Foods that age skin

The skin is the largest, most conspicuous and most affected area in our body. The harmful rays of the sun cause damage to the skin such as wrinkles and spots. This condition is known as skin aging. On the other hand, there are many scientific studies examining the effects of dietary habits on the skin. When we look at these studies, in skin aging; genetic factors and nutritional habits seem to be important determinants. So, what are the foods that age the skin? Here are the foods that harm our skin and put obstacles in front of our skin's beautification!

The first enemy of our skin is sugar. Why shouldn't we consume such a delicious food, sugar elements that cheer up the palate? Because sugar is a substance that damages the collagen substance that helps our skin to look tense and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If we consume sugar and all food items containing sugar, we cause our skin to be one step closer to aging.

Trans fats
Especially convenience foods and fast foods contain trans fats. Because it is prepared quickly and the same oil is used over and over again. Likewise, snacks with shelf life also contain trans fat. These include danger to skin cells.

processed foods
Milk, coffee, alcohol, processed meat, pudding/jam etc. Sweets containing refined sugar, foods high in saturated fatty acids, white flour, potatoes, pasta, and fried foods are high-risk foods in terms of wrinkle formation.

processed meats
Processed meats are meats such as salami, sausage, sausage, canned meat. In addition to being composed of poor quality and waste meat, there are also substances that can cause inflammation on the skin.

Another harmful substance is alcohol. Alcohol, which contains many harmful substances, is not only harmful to our health, but also causes great harm to our skin. It also causes our skin to become dry and wrinkled.

Since cola contains high amounts of sugar, it disrupts the sugar balance of the body and causes spots on the skin. Another bad feature of this acidic beverage is that it causes damage to the internal organs.

fried foods
Other harmful food items are fried foods and naturally processed materials. Since these contain too much oil and salt, they cause our skin to dry out or become oily and lead to acne breakouts. This will cause our skin to look bad.

Consuming more than 5 grams of salt a day ages the skin prematurely, causes edema, and disrupts the body's water balance. So salt causes the skin to lose moisture. Better not overdo the salt.

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