What to Do to Get Rid of Orange Juice Stains?

People who want to get rid of orange juice stains should prefer natural mixtures that they can prepare at home instead of using chemical products.

How to Remove Orange Juice Stain?
Stains caused by orange juice and fruit cause an orange appearance. People who want to get rid of these stains have the opportunity to use both chemical products and natural products that they can prepare themselves at home.

Folk Medicines

    The soiled fabric is first rinsed in cold water.
    This application is very suitable for new stained fabrics.
    Then apple cider vinegar is poured on the cotton pad.
    Buffering is done on the stain with a pad.
    When the pad is stained, the application of tampon with a clean pad is continued until the stain disappears.
    Then the clothing or fabric is washed again in cold water and it can be observed immediately that it is cleaned.

Salt or Powder
Talcum powder or salt should be sprinkled on newly contaminated stains in order to prevent them from absorbing the liquid immediately and preventing them from penetrating the fibers of the fabric. These products prevent water from being absorbed and transferred to the fabric. After it stays like this for 5 minutes, it can be washed in cold water or properly washed in the washing machine.

White Clothes
    For stains on white clothes, boiling water should be applied immediately.
    This application should only be made if the fabric is of good quality.
    Thin and delicate fabrics can be damaged by boiling water.
    It is also very important to apply only the stained part of the fabric.
    After hot water, the clothes or fabric should be washed in the washing machine properly.

Removing from Delicate Fabrics
People who want to remove orange stains from sensitive fabrics should apply glycerine on the stain. The glycerin is left on the stain for half an hour and then washed off with clean water. It is important to throw it into the machine if necessary.

Extracting From Natural Silks
    Ethyl alcohol is used in this process.
    Ethyl alcohol is poured onto a cotton pad to moisten it.
    Tamping is done directly on the stain.
    It is important to discard the stained pad and use a new one. In this way, the stain does not go back to the fabric. It just stays on the pad.
    Then it is washed properly.

Baking powder
Experienced housewives use baking soda not only in the kitchen, but also in stains on carpets, armchairs, clothes and fabrics. It is used by people who want to get rid of stains on carpets, sofas, clothes and fabrics.

    1 pc baking powder
    A few drops of dish soap

These materials are mixed in a bowl and a paste-like mixture is obtained. The prepared mixture is applied on the stain and left for 30 minutes. Fabric or clothing is washed with warm water. The carpet or sofa is wiped with warm water.

Household Chemicals
Bleach and stain removers can be used to remove stains from clothes. If bleach is to be used, it should be used on suitable fabrics. Bleach should be mixed with a little normal water in order to apply it to the fabric. The stained part is pressed into the prepared mixture and left for 15 minutes. Then it should be washed properly in the washing machine.

Stain Remover
You can use the stain remover products sold in the markets. Stain remover is poured on the stained area and should be washed in accordance with the instructions. When buying stain removers to be used to remove orange stains, attention should be paid to their properties. It is an important detail to use plastic gloves when using stain removers. Because these products contain chemicals, their use is very harmful to health. Gloves are preferred to avoid contact with the skin. In addition, if the smell of the stain remover is very strong, masks should be used if necessary. Thanks to the use of masks, the respiratory system is not harmed. Especially asthma patients and people with respiratory system diseases should definitely pay attention to the use of masks.

Steam Cleaners
Steam cleaner machines can be used to get rid of orange stains on sofas and carpets. Products, which are quite expensive in terms of cost, provide the most accurate removal of stains. Hot steam flows at a strong level make it easy to remove stains on all kinds of fabrics. During application to fabrics, carpets and seats, attention should be paid to the instructions for use in all details.

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