Gorgeous Periods of Women

Adolescence, pregnancy and menopause... 3 magnificent periods that allow women to reach themselves, become a family by holding their babies in their arms, and finally meet their true selves. These periods can sometimes bring with them some difficulties and processes that need to be taken into account in terms of health. The most important reason for this is that the hormone levels change significantly in all 3 periods. 

Women's Health and Diseases Specialist
The reason why women can be energetic in every period of life lies in the hormonal changes and 'regeneration' processes during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause.

The physical revolution in teenage girls: Puberty
Children who are aware of change have a happier adolescence. Puberty period, which is entered between the ages of 9-13 in young girls, brings with it many physiological changes. The most obvious among these changes, which begin with the first menstruation, are; changes in body contours, increased lubrication on the skin, acne formation, weight and height changes. When hormones are added to these changes that occur with puberty, a difficult period begins for young girls. Sometimes serious worries and obsessions are observed in young girls who cannot get used to the revolution in their appearance. Children who are made conscious by their families can overcome this period with a healthier psychology. Children who are aware of the change process tend to accept their new states more quickly without alienating themselves during this period.

Physical obsessions start at puberty!
Physical obsessions, especially in women, begin in adolescence. If children do not learn to be at peace with themselves during this period, obsessions can continue for a lifetime. Young girls, who are afraid and worried due to the changes they experience during adolescence, go through a psychologically troubled period. However, signs of concern for children can also occur during puberty, such as excessive weight gain or acne breakouts. However, it should be known that these symptoms can completely disappear until the end of adolescence when attention is paid. In this period, the duty of families; is to prevent their children from gaining excessive weight or tending to not eat at all. It is important for families to be careful and controlled about diseases that may be caused by not eating at all, eating less or, on the contrary, rapidly gaining weight.

The recipe for puberty: Sports and healthy eating
The right choice to be made during adolescence; to determine a healthy nutrition program and to meet with sports. Young people who eat well and do sports get through this period very lightly and comfortably, and their development and body structures become healthier. Many diseases such as anemia, high blood pressure and diabetes that may occur in the future can be prevented in this way. However, young people who are introduced to sports and healthy life; self-confidence improves, they can be at peace with themselves and they feel happier and more energetic. A healthy life is highly beneficial in order to prevent the psychological effects fueled by hormonal changes during adolescence to be permanent and to prevent the development of an introverted character structure. Families should be guiding and supportive in this period; They should stay away from hurtful behavior, overly meticulous, protective and severely critical situations.

9 months of hormone dominance: Pregnancy
There are 3 different emotional periods during pregnancy. The most important feature that distinguishes the hormonal changes during pregnancy from other periods is the rapid and sudden onset of the changes. Estrogen, progenterone and HCG hormones reach very high levels quickly. These elevations also bring about physiological and psychological changes. Weakness, fatigue and reluctance seen at the beginning of pregnancy can cause problems. After the first trimester, the expectant mother begins to experience positive psychological changes with the effect of hormones. She finds herself in more energetic, more positive emotions. In the last 3 months and after the birth, he may face an increasing state of forgetfulness.

Emotional change of the mother: Psychological or physiological?
Motherhood can be defined as an instinctive emotional state. Hormones affect all regions of the brain. It enables the mother, who is under the influence of prolactin and oxytocin hormones, to attach to her baby immediately after birth. This often begins with the first sensual contact. In order for this strong bond to exist, the delivery team takes care to ensure that the baby comes into contact with the mother immediately.

Beware of depression during pregnancy! 

 In this period, it is important for women to gain a healthy life discipline, starting from the pre-pregnancy period, so that they can have a healthy psychological process. Doing regular-controlled light exercises before and during pregnancy, eating a healthy and balanced diet, giving importance to sleep, and getting support from the close circle, especially the spouse, are  It is important for spouses to follow and help the expectant mother's diet, sleep and exercise patterns.

Prenatal motivation is important
The moment of birth, which contains uncertainties for the expectant mother, may become a cause of panic for pregnant women in some cases. It is important that the physician repeatedly tells the mother-to-be correct and comforting information, especially during the period when the birth is approaching. With this approach, the expectant mother becomes more knowledgeable about childbirth and increases her motivation. Father candidates, who play a very important role in pregnancy motivation, should also pay attention to their own psychology during this period. Expectant fathers may experience very different emotional states during the pregnancy of their spouses. In this period, the support of the spouses to each other, increasing the common denominator and time, and joining forces can be the source of a happy pregnancy period for both parties.

Transition period to renew: Menopause
Menopause accounts for 1/3 of life. Many women view menopause as the beginning of the end, but menopause is an important period in which at least one-third of a woman's life will pass. Different symptoms and fears may occur due to physiological changes. Many negative emotions can be experienced, such as the feeling of aging and the anxiety of losing health. Due to the decreased estrogen, changes such as hot flashes of varying degrees, sweating, sudden feelings of distress, decreased sexual desire, insomnia, and decreased bone strength may occur. It is very important to get support from a specialist in order to overcome these symptoms and perform the necessary hormonal adjustments.

It's wrong to treat your menopausal spouse as if he's sick
Undoubtedly, the menopause period is a challenging process for women, both physically and psychologically. In this process, there are duties that fall on their spouses. However, menopause is not a disease. For this reason, men approaching their wives as if they are sick may cause women to feel even more inadequate and to accept changes more difficult. Being caring, caring, supportive as well as being a lover and trying to understand their spouse are useful steps for this period.

Adverse effects fade over time
Menopause begins after a transition period called perimenopause. This transition period, which sometimes develops suddenly and sometimes more slowly, brings along complaints. Generally, the first few years of complaints are felt intensely and then it starts to decrease. In this period, healthy diet and regular exercise together with hormone therapy provide positive effects.

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