Dream in 60 seconds with the 4-7-8 technique

Having stressful, busy and tiring lifestyles can cause sleep problems. So, what are the easiest ways to fall asleep? What is the 4-7-8 breathing technique, is it possible to sleep immediately with the 4-7-8 method, what are the benefits of this breathing exercise, what does it do? Here are the details...

Proper breathing affects almost all circulatory patterns of the human body, from the immune system to sleep patterns. A healthy sleep pattern is one of the priority programs to be followed for a healthy body. If it takes a long time to fall asleep, if you wake up feeling tired as if you slept little or not at all, you can regulate your sleep with the right breathing techniques. Trying the 4-7-8 breathing technique or the easy sleep method known as breathing exercise can prepare you for a quality sleep in just a minute.

US integrative medicine expert Dr. The 4-7-8 technique, developed by Andrew Weil, is based on meditation and breath-focused techniques practiced in ancient times.

Dr. Andrew Weil gave information about the 4-7-8 breathing exercise: " If you wake up in the middle of the night, it 's the best way to fall back asleep . The key to getting the changes you want is to practice this technique consistently over weeks, months, and even years."

When you try the 4-7-8 technique a few times in the first applications, it may take a little more than 60 seconds to help you fall asleep; but as with other habits, your practice will reduce the time.

Dr. As Weil points out, the more you practice this technique, the more effective it becomes. If you have a respiratory disease or similar disease that affects your breathing, you should consult your doctor before trying the 4-7-8 application.

The 4-7-8 breathing practice has its roots in the ancient tradition of breathing regulation. It helps to relax the body and mind and help you fall asleep easily. The developer of the technique, founder and director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil, this technique; He describes it as " a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system ."

While more studies are needed to determine the clinical effectiveness of this technique, studies to date show that rhythmic breathing technique can help increase a sense of relaxation and reduce anxiety .

As an added bonus, if you focus on your breath, you're distracted from other things (like looking at your cell phone or some other thought that distracts you from sleep) and not distracted. Try to stick with this technique for the next few weeks and test if it works.

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