Relieve heel spur pain with herbal methods

Heel spurs are one of the health problems that negatively affect daily life. So, how and why does the heel spur occur, can it be prevented, what are the herbal treatment methods, if it does not go away, is it operated? Here is information about heel spurs...

Pointed bone growths that cause pain caused by calcium deposits in the heel bone are known as 'heel spurs'. Heel spurs occur when a membrane on the soles of the feet sticks to the heel. Causes such as long-term damage to the muscle and connective tissue, excessive load on the feet or forcing the sole may cause heel spurs.

An inflammation of the foot fascia (the thick strip of tissue that covers the bones on the sole of the foot) is caused by excessive stretching, an inflammation of calcium deposits known as heel spurs . The body accumulates calcium to heal tissue in injured areas . As a result, this bony prominence begins to grow slowly. Conditions such as obesity, poor posture, excessive muscle tension, choosing shoes that do not fit the foot structure, overloading the tendon, and standing for a long time can be the cause of this situation.

However, congenital heel spurs can also be seen. These spines damage the tendons and cause inflammation.

Risk factors for heel spurs:

* Excess weight, obesity (body mass index / BMI > 27)

* shortened calf muscles anatomically associated with increased tension of the plantar tendon

* Incorrect foot positions (Arches, flat feet, etc.)

* Different leg lengths (Pelvic slope)

* Muscle imbalances (in the hip, lumbar spine, knee joint or trunk muscles)

* Micro-traumas in the foot and heel area

* Too much traffic and driving for a long time

* Frequent wearing of very narrow or high-heeled shoes

* Underdeveloped foot muscles

The pain caused by inflammation caused by overloading the tendons is felt in the first steps you take in the morning.

It feels like you are stepping on a nail in your heel area. Although the pain disappears for a while, it reappears when you want support from your heel. Carrying heavy items can also trigger this situation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Heel spurs can be treated at home with the most natural materials.
If you wash your feet with apple cider vinegar every evening, you can accelerate the healing of connective tissues thanks to the minerals in apple cider vinegar.
You can prevent the thorn from spreading further by intervening early.
Thus, you protect foot health.

Epsom Salt
Another herbal treatment method for heel spurs is epsom salt, which is recommended for foot detox.

What is Epsom salt? How is Epsom salt different from rock salt?

Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is an inorganic salt containing magnesium, sulfur and oxygen.

Although it resembles rock salt in appearance, unlike rock salt, it contains magnesium instead of sodium.
Epsom salt is very powerful in protecting your foot health.
Fill a bowl you use to wash your feet with warm water. Add 3 spoons of Epsom salt to
the water and soak your feet in this water for 30 minutes. If you do this application regularly, you can observe improvement in your heel spur.

Ginger tea
When you consume ginger tea, which is a remedy for many diseases, you can heal the tissue damage that causes heel spurs.

Ginger also eliminates foot pain caused by heel spurs in a short time.

You can brew ginger tea and rest your feet in this tea. This application will relax the heel tissue.

Onion Cure
Heel spurs can be easily cleaned thanks to the antibiotic substances in the onion's structure.
Since the substances that accelerate the healing of the foot connective tissue are contained in the onion, you will apply this cure only with onions.

Cook 1 medium onion, crush it well and make it thick.

Rub the hot onion on your feet with heel spurs and wrap your feet with the help of a bag.

If you try the application at night, you can wake up more comfortably in the morning.
If you are worried about its smell, you can massage with essential oils after using soap or shower gel while cleaning the cure.

You can wrap lemon slices on your feet to heal the pain and inflammation caused by heel spurs.
Thanks to the antioxidant substances in lemon, your connective tissues will be defeated in a few days.

For this application, wrap the lemon slices on your feet before going to bed at night and sleep wearing a socks.

You can relieve heel spur pain by applying the procedure for about 1 week.

* Create an opportunity to rest your feet during the day.

* If you are overweight, you should try to reach your ideal weight with a balanced diet and exercise for your health.

* Avoid walking around with bare feet on hard floors.

* Change your choice of slippers and shoes according to your foot structure with soft soles.

* It would be good to take a break from wearing high heels for a while.

* Avoid jogging or walking. You can engage in slower and rhythmic sports. Swimming will do you good.

* If you feel pain when you wake up and have difficulty walking, you should go to a specialist doctor as soon as possible and be examined for definitive treatment.

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