What is cellulite? Ways to get rid of cellulite

Cellulitis can be called a disease because its formation occurs as follows. Small vessel circulation slows down and the integrity of the vessel wall is disrupted, and fluid leaks out into the tissue, where the adipose tissue accumulates between the water cells. Then, with the defense reaction developed by the body, this fluid is surrounded by the connective tissue and cellulite appears. Almost every woman suffers from cellulite. Cellulite is not only seen in overweight women. On the contrary, it is also seen in thin women. In fact, this appearance is likened to an orange peel.

What Causes Cellulite?
Hormonal causes; The amount of hormones secreted by our body can change for various reasons, and this causes an increase in the amount of fluid accumulated in the cell space. Increases in estrogen hormone play one of the most important roles in cellulite formation. Many women with cellulite problems should consider genetic factors. If there are people living in this situation in his family, the same situation is seen in himself.

Some people experience cellulite formation as a result of malnutrition and sedentary life. It should be fed properly and regularly. Unhealthy diet also accelerates the formation of cellulite. Diet based on fast food and ready-to-eat foods adversely affects our skin structure.

At the same time, water consumption is of great importance in this regard. Cellulite is more common in people with low water consumption, but cellulite is less common in people with the right amount of water consumption.

In addition to these, sports and exercise are also effective in cellulite. If you make sports and exercise your routine, you can reduce cellulite formation and even get rid of cellulite after a certain period of time.

What are the Causes of Cellulite?
The most common cause of cellulite is blood circulation disorder. Regional fat accumulation is manifested by decreased mobility of the skin and increased thickness. When touched by hand, the skin is rough, hardened and gives an appearance. Other reasons are hormonal problems, genetic factors, wrong eating habits, not consuming enough water, and a sedentary lifestyle increase the formation of cellulite. Sugar and sugary foods should be avoided in the diet.

Nutrition is closely related to cellulite. A high-fiber diet containing cereals, vegetables and fruits are foods that prevent cellulite formation. Vitamin C also prevents the formation of cellulite. Especially those with cellulite problems should consume dark green leafy vegetables every day.

You can also use natural methods. You can reduce or even eliminate cellulite by massaging your body with mixtures of natural oils and products.

Unhealthy eating
slow metabolism
Fat ratio in total body weight
Thickness of the skin layer and color of the skin
High heels and tight clothing
sedentary life
hormonal changes
Insufficient water consumption

Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite
If you are experiencing cellulite problems for reasons other than genetic factors, you can get rid of cellulite by following the suggestions below.

The most effective method in the treatment of cellulite is massage. Because massage activates blood and lymph circulation and provides oxygenation of tissues.

You can fight cellulite by eating regularly and eating healthy foods. At the same time, drinking plenty of water will be effective.

You should stay away from fast food and acidic drinks.

Exercise, swimming and walking are among the methods of getting rid of cellulite.

If your metabolism is working slowly, you should exercise and consume vegetables and fruits to get active.

Exercising should be done so that the body burns excess fat.
Cellulite Remover Natural Masks
Cellulite Mask with Natural Oils

1 teaspoon of Orange oil
2 teaspoons Rosemary oil
1 teaspoon Thyme oil
2 teaspoons of Almond oil

Preparation of
Put all the oils in a bowl and mix well. Then apply the oils to the cellulite-formed areas with your hands. Massage for at least 5-10 minutes after applying. Wait 30 minutes. Then, accelerate the blood flow there by making washcloths in the shower.

Apart from all these, you can get rid of cellulite in 6 steps by following the suggestions below:
    By eating healthy
    Drinking 2-3 liters of water a day
    by doing sports
    By reducing stress
    Sleeping 7-8 hours a day
    You can also fight cellulite by drinking green tea.

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