You may be experiencing eyelid twitching for these 6 reasons

Most people experience eye twitches from time to time or frequently. Although our grandmothers do not get tired of eye twitching and attribute it to a bad event, medicine says the opposite.

It's a very strange feeling: the twitching, flickering, little movements that your eyelid sometimes makes. These are caused by a nerve in your eye. The human eyelid is very fragile and sensitive. Most of the time, the twitching stops on its own, but when that's not the case, it may be time to make a few lifestyle changes. Your eyelid twitching is probably caused by one of these six things. These are possible causes of your eye twitching.

1. TOO MUCH Caffeine
Coffee addiction is most likely the culprit. Drinking too much coffee can cause eyelid twitching. Caffeine contains stimulant properties that get your heart rate up, boost your metabolism, and activate certain muscles. And yes, it could also be the muscles in your eyes. According to experts, the muscles in your eyes are more sensitive to caffeine than other muscles. There isn't a certain amount of caffeine that will cause your eyes to twitch, but reducing your intake won't hurt. When you have eye twitches regularly, try to remember whether you had coffee or a caffeinated beverage before the twitch started.

Drinking alcohol can have the same effect on your eyelids as drinking caffeine. Is your eyelid doing its thing again? Then you may want to skip the alcohol.

Eye twitching is often caused by stress. Your body has more than one way to deal with stress, and eye twitching is one of them. Therefore, you can take eyelid twitching as a sign that you need to slow down a bit. Do you suspect your eyelid twitching is caused by stress? Try to find out what caused it and try to prevent it in the future.

When you suffer from allergies, there are several things that can happen to your eyes. They may become watery or dry, swollen, itchy, irritated… Or they may twitch.

Since your eyes are hypersensitive, the smallest things can upset them. Insufficient sleep, for example, can have too much of an effect. If you don't sleep long enough, your eyes will get tired and they may start twitching. Fortunately, this is easily resolved: go to bed on time! Even though you need glasses, your eyes can get very tired when you don't wear them. Even minor abnormalities can cause your eyes to tire. And think of all those screens we look at all day (phones, computers, television…) These cause our eyes to work extra hard.

Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can cause dry eyes, but you can also experience dry eyes from alcohol and things unrelated to caffeine. Contact lens wearers will be very familiar with it. Dry eyes can also cause eyelid twitching. Actually all the reasons come with this factor because stress and fatigue can also cause dry eye which in turn can cause eyelid twitching.

Finding a solution doesn't have to be difficult. Getting enough sleep and rest and staying away from stress can be very helpful. An occasional eyelid massage can also help. When you notice that your eyes are dry, you can use eye drops to relieve them.

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