Apple cider vinegar miracle!

 Those who try this method will no longer use apple cider vinegar any other way.


Apple cider vinegar, which we are used to using in our salads in our homes, has recently turned out to have many benefits. Beauty routines are one of them. Here are 5 areas of apple cider vinegar you can use in your beauty routines.

We've all heard of the beauty of homemade natural masks and even given it a shot. From homemade face and hair masks to scrubs, do-it-yourself recipes and hacks have worked many times. Whether DIY is highly effective, whether there are the best standards is a discussion for another day. No matter what trends come and go, something do-it-yourself will always be part of your beauty routine. Now we all know about coffee-sugar scrubs, turmeric masks and more. One such ingredient that can be used well is apple cider vinegar. It is not difficult to guess that the apple juice (juice) is fermented and processed to prepare apple cider vinegar. The not-too-sweet tangy liquid makes a great skin and hair hero. Here are 5 ways to incorporate it into your beauty routine.

apple cider vinegar; it is astringent by nature and therefore makes a great toner. Dilute strong apple cider vinegar 1:1 with water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. You can spray some directly on your skin or take a cotton pad for closer application.

Apple cider vinegar is packed with antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also has exfoliative effects. Combining these properties also makes apple cider vinegar an excellent remedy for dirty scalp, which has become a breeding ground for dandruff and sebum. Either rinse your scalp with the aforementioned mixture or mix it into your shampoo to mask the peculiar smell.

With malic acid in it, apple cider vinegar makes a great exfoliant. Just like glycolic acid, you can rub some apple cider vinegar on your arms and legs; it removes dead skin, and if you shave, it also prevents ingrown hairs and bumps.

Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar can also work as an excellent anti-acne agent. All you have to do is apply some on the pimple and let it work its magic overnight.

In addition to cleansing your scalp, apple cider vinegar has the potential to soften your hair significantly. It coats the cuticles nicely and also lightens the crazy texture on curly hair.

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