9 surprisingly simple cleaning hacks for clothes everyone should know

While commercial cleaners promise to remove all types of clothing stains, they may not always be on hand. This is where common household products come into play. They can often remove stains from clothes much cheaper than commercial cleaners.

Clothes: we love them. We like to take good care of our most prized clothes, but accidents happen from time to time. For example, it is very easy to pour the oil of the food you love on your favorite clothes. Don't despair though, because there is a solution. We have this solution and other great clothes cleaning hacks for you today.

Here's how to fix many of your clothing frustrations:
Make sure your new tights don't escape by putting them in the freezer before putting them on and spraying them with hairspray after taking them out again.
Got a nice suede bag you need to clean? Get a clean toothbrush and use it to scrub the bag.

Make sure your jeans or denim jacket retain their color by soaking them in a vinegar mixture. Fill a dish bowl or bucket with cold water and add 240 ml of white vinegar. Place the jeans there for a while. Vinegar causes the jeans to retain their original color. The vinegar smell will go away when the clothes are dry again.
Are your sneakers a little smelly? Put some tea bags in them and leave them there for about 12 hours. The tea bags will absorb the odor. If necessary, repeat the process.
Has your silver jewelry lost its shine? Clean it up with some toothpaste! Apply some toothpaste to a cotton ball and rub the toothpaste onto the silver. Your silver will look beautiful once again!
Do you have oil stains on your clothes? It's easy to remove with a little dish soap! Drop some dish soap on the stain and rub it in. Rinse with water and then put the garment in the laundry.
Sweat stains on white shirts are really annoying, but you can easily remove them with a little lemon juice. Rub some fresh lemon juice on the sweat stain and put the shirt in the washing machine. The stain will disappear!
For those of you who use foundation: You can easily remove it from your collar with some shaving foam. To remove it, rub it into the stain and then run it through the washing machine.
When your kids have a grass stain on their clothes after football: Pour a cup or two of white vinegar into a small bowl, then soak the stain in vinegar. Allow the stain to sit and soak for 30 minutes. Rinse off the vinegar and see how much of the grass stain, if any, remains. At this point, your garment should be spotless. If so, wash as usual. If not, try creating a paste with baking soda and water, then rub it into the stain with a toothbrush. Let the paste sit on the garment for 15 minutes and then wash as usual.

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