A healthy and glowing skin is just one step away! Consume this food for healthy glowing skin

Berries contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can keep your skin cells healthy. You can also use fruit masks on your face every day for added glow. Listen to our news to find out which fruits can give you glowing skin, how to add them to your diet and how to use them to improve your skin health.

The journey to glowing skin begins with proper nutrition. Skin care products can only improve your skin from the outside. For this 'inner enlightenment' you need to include important vitamins and minerals in your diet. And the easiest way is to consume vitamin-rich fruits for glowing skin.

Your skin health is directly related to your daily diet. A diet high in processed foods, sugars, and simple carbohydrates can wreak havoc on your skin. Without enough fresh fruits and vegetables, you can experience premature aging, acne and acne scars, and even dry skin. You may be missing out on nutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins A and D that can improve skin health.

Lemons are natural bleaching agents. They are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps flush out toxins and protects the skin from photodamage and hyperpigmentation . So, if you have uneven pigmentation, dark spots, acne scars or keratinization, try using lemon to get glowing skin. Here's how you can use it.

a. in your diet

    Add lemon juice to your salad.
    Add the juice of ½ lemon and 1 teaspoon of organic honey to a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. This will help remove toxins.

b. on your skin
    For oily skin with pigmentation or acne scars, mix lemon juice with rose water and apply it to your skin and rinse after 10 minutes.
    For pigmented dry skin, mix lemon juice and coconut oil, rub into your skin and rinse off after 10 minutes.
    Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of milk to get rid of dark circles. Apply to your under eye area and rinse gently after 10 minutes.
    Rub lemon and sugar on the keratinized areas to lighten skin tone and reduce keratinization.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats, dietary fiber, and vitamins E, A, C, K, B6, niacin, folate, and pantothenic acid . It has antioxidant properties that help reduce oxidative damage and thus prevent DNA damage. Consuming avocado can promote healthy aging as it is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your skin from UV rays. The healthy fats in avocados help maintain skin elasticity, reduce inflammation and accelerate wound healing. Here is how you can use avocado to get clear and flawless skin.

a. in your diet
    Add it to your salad, breakfast plates, sandwiches, etc. Add avocado.
    Make an avocado and spinach smoothie.
    Prepare an avocado sauce by mixing it with yogurt or hummus.

b. on your skin
    Mash an avocado and apply it to your skin. Rinse after 10 minutes.
    For oily skin, mash a small piece of avocado with rose water and a pinch of camphor. Rinse after 10 minutes.

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