One of the most used textile products in our home is undoubtedly our towels. Towels wear out and harden over time, depending on use. But do you know what kind of benefits would be for you to fold your towels in the form of rolls?
Do you always fold your towels after taking them out of the dryer or drying rack? Most people fold their towels this way. But did you know that it is much more convenient to roll your towels instead of folding them? Not only is it space-saving, but it also has other great benefits.
We will never fold towels again, do this instead!
Do you need to regularly dry yourself with a rough, rough towel after taking a shower? Have you already accepted that this is part of life? It's not necessary! You can easily ensure that your towels stay nice and soft. The reason why towels are rough and scratchy is usually because you are making some mistakes while washing and drying.
There are a few things you should avoid when doing laundry, and one of them is using fabric softener. Sure, your new laundry may be a little softer at first, but the towels will absorb much less and soap residue will remain in the fibers of the towels. It is much better to use other techniques to make your towels come out soft. An example is to put them in the dryer on a low setting.
Towels become hard when they do not air properly. This can happen, for example, when you leave dry laundry in the dryer for too long, or when you hang it on a cramped drying rack for too long. Instead, it's much better to wrap them loosely when they're dry. This will keep them soft. Plus, several folded towels take up much less space than a pile of folded towels, saving you a lot of space. Another benefit: It looks pretty fancy, as if you were in a hotel or spa! Come on, are you ready to try it now?
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