If your nails are like in the picture, you have cancer!

Take the nail test that is 80 - 90 percent accurate...

There is a simple test you can do to help estimate your lung cancer risk. If you can't see the diamond shape on this test, you have 80 percent lung cancer at best.

The earlier any disease is diagnosed, the better. The simple 'diamond cavity' finger test is crucial for early detection of lung cancer. This test is also known as the Schamroth window test and can help detect lung cancer early.

This test involves pulling your nails together to see if there is a diamond-shaped gap between your fingertips and nails.

If not, if there is no space between the fingertips and the nail, this indicates finger clubbing.

Finger clubbing is when the fingertips grow and cause nails to curl. This type of nail growth is a common symptom of lung cancer, occurring in more than 35 percent of people with this disease.

It's worth noting that finger clubbing doesn't necessarily mean you have lung cancer, and there are many reasons why your fingers may look that way.

Nail or finger clubbing can be the result of or inherited from many conditions, including cystic fibrosis, heart disease, Crohn's, other cancers.

But lung cancer is responsible for about 80 to 90 percent of finger clubbing cases.

If you have clubbing, it's important to rule out cancer, so see your doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause.

Join the nails of your index fingers back to back. Look for a small diamond-shaped space between the nails where the light comes in. If there is no gap and the nail beds are touching, this is a sign of finger clubbing.

The tips of the fingers may be larger than normal, and the nails may be curved.

Finger clubbing is thought to result from increased blood flow to the finger area.

It leads to the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues at the tips of the fingers. Changes in the nail gradually cause the nails to curl.

Before the nails begin to curl more than normal, the base of the nail softens and the skin near the nail bed becomes shiny.

Lung cancer usually progresses without symptoms.

Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late because it doesn't usually cause noticeable symptoms until it has spread to the lungs or other parts of the body.

For many people, this means that the cancer has already spread when diagnosed.

Overall, about one in three people with the disease live at least one year after diagnosis, and about one in 20 people live at least ten years.

However, it's worth noting that survival rates can vary greatly depending on how far the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis – early detection can make a big difference.

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