Once you try it, you won't be able to put it down! Put an end to tooth decay with eggshell...

Egg shells actually contain the perfect amount of ideal substances for healing cavities. Egg shells contain large amounts of calcium as well as 27 other minerals. The chemical composition of eggshells is very similar to our bones and teeth. Eggshells can provide the raw materials needed to remineralize teeth and rebuild bone.

It is a common misconception that eggshells are garbage. Egg shells are actually an extremely nutrient-dense food.

One of the benefits of egg shells is their 93% calcium composition. In addition, eggshells contain 27 elements, including; magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, iron and sulfur.

Eggshell also contains essential amino acids and high-quality protein; methionine, cysteine, lysine and isoleucine.

Properly prepared eggshells can be the most balanced natural way to obtain calcium.

Eggshells are especially useful for young children, because they are more intensely involved in the formation of bone tissue, whose body requires an uninterrupted flow of calcium. Shells included in baby food can be useful for preventing rickets and anemia.

Studies also show accelerated bone healing when using peels to treat orthopedic diseases such as congenital hip dislocation or osteoporosis.

To use eggshells for medicinal purposes, you must use organic, preferably free-range eggs. These are the best eggshells as you avoid chemicals and antibiotics. Boil the shells for about 5 minutes. Boiling kills all pathogens. Then air-dry the shells and grind them in a coffee grinder. Take 1/2 teaspoon daily. You can add them to your smoothies daily or grind them into a fine powder and add them to your food.

It is important to note that vitamins D3 and K2 greatly aid in calcium absorption. Talk to your doctor about which doses of these vitamins would be best for you.

Forms In Which Egg Shells Can Be Used To Treat Dental Cavities:
Eggshells can be used in dental care as a daily use as an eggshell tonic internally or externally as a toothpaste, which is much safer than homemade toothpaste or chemical-laden commercial toothpastes and tooth powders.

Take the eggshells and boil them in water for 10 minutes. It is important to boil well to destroy microorganisms and sterilize the shells. It dries the shells with air and turns them into a fine powder. Add a little of this powder to juices or soups daily and drink it daily as a tonic. This tonic helps prevent tooth cavities.


Eggshell, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of sea salt (has antiseptic properties), a few drops of food grade peppermint oil that acts as a mouth freshener.

Boil the eggshells in water for 10 minutes to get rid of bacteria. Air dry and grind the eggshells into powder. Take a quarter of the eggshell powder. Add the baking soda and sea salt and mix well. Now add the coconut oil and mix well until you get a smooth consistency. Please note that you may need a little more than two tablespoons of coconut oil to achieve the desired consistency. Add the peppermint oil and mix well. Toothpaste is ready. Store in an airtight container. You can also optionally use olive oil-based castile soap for a smoother consistency.

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