Truth or dare questions to ask while playing spin the bottle

 Is the truth asked in the Spin the Bottle game, which is one of the indispensable games when your close friends and friends come together? dare? questions are being investigated. So, what are the questions to be asked in the spin the bottle game? What are the truth questions in spin the bottle game? What are the daredevil questions in the spin the bottle game? Here are the Spin the Bottle questions…

Truth or Dare, one of the indispensable games of friend groups? game is an indispensable game for spending pleasant moments. While playing this game, if the s-question asked "courage", you can ask the environment to do anything you want. But when he says "truth," you can learn even his deepest secrets. However, after a certain period of time, you start to be unable to find any questions to ask, and you slow down the flow of the game because you think about questions. Truth or dare for you, our dear readers, in this article? We have included questions that you can ask in the game.

Truth or Dare, commonly known as the Spin the Bottle? In order to play the game, the players must first gather around a round table. After that, a bottle is laid out and turned over. It is very important to whom the cap and the bottom of the bottle come from. Usually, the player with the lid part asks a question to the player with the bottom part of the bottle. Are these questions truth or dare? is the question. The person to whom the question is asked chooses one of the two and, according to his choice, either gives the correct answer to the question asked or does what he is asked to do. Even if it is not in the rules of the game, when truth is said 3 times in a row, the player has to choose courage for the fourth time.

Even if it is not in the rules of the game, when truth is said 3 times in a row, the player has to choose courage for the fourth time. However, you will play a very nice spin the bottle game with your group of friends by making use of the list below.


• What would be the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery tomorrow?

• What lie would you tell to plant someone?

• To whom and what did you lie last?

• What would you do if your family didn't like your best friend?

• What would you do if your girlfriend hated your best friend?

• What is the thing you can't stand the most?

• What are the 3 traits you dislike the most in yourself?

• Which emotion do you experience most during the day?

• What is your best moment so far?

• If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

• If your life was a book, what would it be called?

• What is your biggest dream?

• If you could change your name, what would you name it?

• Describe your most embarrassing first date moment.

• What are the 5 things you would take with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

• Do you have a strange habit, if so what is it?

• What would we be ashamed of for you when we learned about you?

• Did you have a nickname as a child, and if so, what was it?

• If you were born in a place other than where you were born, what country would this be?

• What is your biggest regret in life?

• If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be?

• What was the most embarrassing moment you said or did in front of a loved one?

• If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

• Your most embarrassing moment of drunkenness?

• If you were told not to use a makeup item for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

• What was the last thing you regretted spending money on?

• If you had a table of people who died in the past, who would you put at that table?

• If they send you to space with someone from here, can you rank them from the least you want to the one you want the most?

• What is the longest time you spend without taking a shower?

• Say something you can't even say out loud to yourself?

• When was the last time and why did you cry?

• What are you most afraid of in this life?

• Which character are you most afraid of?

• Did you have any imaginary friends as a child?

• Do you have anything you collect or collect?

• What was the biggest crime you have committed so far?

• Tell about the best/worst day of your life.

• If you could replace someone at this table and live their life, who would it be?

• If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

• What was the strangest dream you ever had?

• When was the last time you cried, for what?

• Have you ever been hypnotized?

• If you were in a time machine, which era would you like to go to?

• If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play?

• If your girlfriend and best friend fell into the lake, which one would you save first?

• Is there a song that you are embarrassed to listen to?

• Who would you call here first in your most difficult time?

• Do you have a strange feature that you hide from everyone?

• Have you ever liked a close friend?

• Which part of your body do you like and which part do you dislike?

• What is your most embarrassing date moment?

• Which song would you like played at your funeral?

• Who are your 3 friends that you would take with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

• Have you ever gone into business behind your friend's back?

• Which side would you like to be on in a situation where you had to choose between intelligence and beauty?

• Have you lied to a close friend?

• What was the last thing you called on the phone?

• If someone paid you 12 million TL to leave your best friend, would you?

• Tell who you love least in this room, with reasons.

• Who has the worst style in this room?

• What would you do if you had to drink your own urine from a frog, snake, cockroach or being on a desert island?

• If you were to wake up one day as the opposite sex, what would be the first thing you would do?

• Have you ever peed in the pool? It's a question that doesn't apply to childhood, but valid for the present.

• Have you ever gassed in the elevator?

• What was the best idea that came to your mind while sitting on the toilet?

• Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?

• What is your worst habit and why do you think it is the worst?

• Who is your least favorite person in your environment?

• Have you had secret love?

• Do you talk or travel in sleep?

• What do you dislike most about me?

• What would you do first if you were invisible?

• What is the biggest secret you keep from everyone?

• What are three things you wouldn't "take" with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

• Who was the last person you stalked on social media?

• Have you ever been caught picking someone's nose?

• Do you sing in the bathroom?

• Do you ever have a fetish that you keep from us?

• Have you ever had a fight with yourself in the mirror?

• What would you be ashamed of if someone saw your internet history?

• Is there someone you fall in love with platonically?

• Tell me what you dislike the most about me.

• What color underwear are you wearing right now?

• If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?

• If you could date a famous person, who would it be?

• Have you ever been abandoned, if so how were you abandoned?

• If you had the ability to not gain weight when you eat, what would you choose to eat?

• What would you do if the person you love but can't open up told you that they love your best friend, what would your reaction be?

• What was your first impression of the people here when you first saw them?

• Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, 10 being your favourite; If it's 1, would you rank it as your dislike?

• Are you a night person or a day person?

• Do you have an item that you bond with, and if so, what is it?

• Do you believe in supernatural events, have you ever experienced a supernatural event?

• What's the worst song you've ever heard?

• Is there a feature that you think you are incapable of in a subject that your friend thinks you are talented but that you can't say?

• What is the subject that you postpone the most in life?

• Have you ever made a prediction about how you will die?

• Are you forgiving or spiteful?

• Who is the person you feel the most distant from in the friend environment?

• Where do you feel most at peace in life?

• What song do you listen to when you are sad?

• If your friend asked you to lie for him and that lie got you in trouble, would you?

• Who would you choose among us if you won an all-inclusive vacation for only two and weren't allowed to take one with you?

• Have you ever told someone else a secret that a friend told you to keep?

• What was the last message you sent, who did you text last?

• If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind in this room, who would you leave?

• If you had three wishes, what would you use them for?

• If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

• What is your biggest fear?

• What do you think people's biggest misconceptions about you are?

• If you had a chance to travel to the past, when would you like to go and witness what moment?

• If you could go back in time to erase something you said or did, which moment would you go to?

• Is there a movie you watch all the time and are ashamed to say you love?

• What was the last thing you called on the phone?

• Can you show the last 10 photos in your gallery on your phone?

• What is the most disgusting habit you have?

• Do you have a secret you haven't told anyone?

• If your best friend was an animal, what would it be?

• Can you tell us something that no one knows about you?

• What was your funniest first date?

• Have you ever lied to escape from an environment you don't like?

• What would be your first reaction if you found out that your girlfriend cheated on you with your best friend?

• Allow someone from this desk to Tweet/Instagram post for you.

• Let someone at this table text someone for you.

• Imitate someone from this table, but don't tell who it is.

• Dance to your own choreography in front of everyone.

• Call a family member and play a prank that will scare him or her.

• Stand in the plank position for one minute.

• Share a photo that you think turned out badly on social media.

• Read aloud your last 5 messages.

• Tell me what you dislike most about the people at the table.

• Like one of the oldest Instagram posts of the person you like.

• Share one true and one false information about you. Let the people at the table guess which one is correct.

• Show your hidden talent.

• Dial a random number and tell the other person a joke.

• Gift one of your favorite outfits to a friend.

• Call your ex and tell him you miss him so much.

• Give your phone to someone at this desk and he/she will answer the incoming messages/calls all day long.

• Sing your favorite song from start to finish in front of everyone.

• Reply to the first 5 stories that appear on Instagram.

• Do whatever the table says for the next 5 minutes.

• Dress only to your friends' tastes for a day.

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