The right address for iron supplementation Beetroot

Beetroot, which is low in fat and rich in vitamin C, which helps iron absorption, is also one of the main raw materials for sugar production. In addition, although the leaves are bitter, they are literally a storehouse of vitamin A, calcium and iron.

One of the most important vegetables of the winter months is red beet. Red beet, whose homeland is the Mediterranean, is an energy store in terms of the vitamins and minerals it contains. Color is one of the most important quality criteria affecting the preferability of foods. The red beet plant (Beta vulgaris L.) is very rich in betalains, which are natural food colorants.

It is particularly effective in anemia and iron deficiency. It is beneficial for those suffering from anemia to consume plenty of red beet juice. Drinking beet juice mixed with carrot juice in equal proportions supports blood formation in a short time and increases the level of red blood cells in the blood.

1. Oxalic acid:
When you mix beet juice with other vegetables and fruits, you get a very delicious mixture thanks to the oxalic acid contained in it. Beet juice owes its taste and nutritional properties to this acid. It is also this acid that makes beet and carrot juice a wonderful duo.

2. Strengthens cognitive health:
It is recommended that the elderly consume plenty of beet juice, because it increases the amount of blood going to the brain, and provides protection against Alzheimer's disease. Beets are also effective in combating dementia and other cognitive disorders associated with advanced age. The nitrates in beet juice are converted into nitrites by the bacteria in your mouth. Nitrites also help open up your blood vessels and increase blood flow to areas with low oxygen.

3. Alpha lipoic acid:
The alpha lipoic acid found in beets lowers the glucose level and increases sensitivity to insulin. This helps you maintain your weight. Thanks to the components contained in beet, it prevents negative changes due to oxidative stress in diabetics. Alpha lipoic acid is effective in the treatment process of patients diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy.

4. Regulates blood pressure:
Beet juice helps in lowering high blood pressure, but its effects are temporary. Researchers think that this feature is due to the nitrates found in beets. Thanks to nitrates, which increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood vessels, more oxygen goes to the muscles, brain and heart, which helps to lower blood pressure.

5. Nourishes the skin:
If you want your skin to look healthy, it is recommended to eat beets. Beetroot juice not only benefits your internal organs, but also provides a healthy reflection on your appearance with the vitamins it contains. Since beet juice contains a high amount of vitamin C, it acts as a natural blood cleanser and provides shine to your skin.

6. İyi bir detoks yöntemi:
Pancar içeriğindeki betalain, antioksidan özellikleri sayesinde serbest radikallere savaş açar ve kanserle mücadelede vücudu destekler. Ayrıca betalain, plazmada bulunan ve kalp hastalıklarının oluşmasına neden olan homosistein düzeyini azaltarak da kalp hastalıklarına karşı korur. Bu bileşikler vücuttaki iltihabın düşürülmesine de yardımcı olur. Pancarın suyu, vücudunuzda biriken toksinleri atmaya yardımcı olduğundan karaciğeri korur. Aynı zamanda methionin ve glisin bileşikleri de yağ asidi birikimini önler ve karaciğer hücrelerinin sağlıklı gelişimine yardımcı olur.

7. Energizes and increases endurance:
Beet juice opens your blood vessels, increasing oxygen flow. This helps you feel more energetic and be more active. For better results, you can drink beet juice early in the day, so you can both activate your metabolism and wake up vital organs. So much so that some athletes take beetroot juice with them to relieve the burning sensation in the muscles that occur after exercise, as it will increase the flow of oxygen when going to the gym.

8. Good for Digestion:
The fiber in beet juice is loaded with fiber and can help regulate your digestive process. In case of constipation, you can also prefer beet juice. In addition, if you have a slight stomach ache, beet juice can be good.

9. Lowers blood glucose level:
In fact, beetroot juice helps regulate blood sugar levels. The reason for this is that the natural sugar in the beet is secreted very slowly after the beet is consumed. This does not cause high glucose accumulation in the blood.

As with every food, excessive and disproportionate consumption of red beet can cause some problems. These damages can be listed as a decrease in calcium level, redness of the skin, damage to the kidneys, excessive decrease in blood pressure and fluctuations in blood sugar level.

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