This trick will prevent your nail polish from peeling off so quickly and make it more permanent.

Few things are as annoying as your freshly painted nails starting to peel the next day. You've done all that hard work for nothing, and that's enough to disappoint everyone. Fortunately, we found a very useful trick that can help you paint your nails beautifully. It will allow you to enjoy your beautiful nails for longer!

Before we move on to this handy trick, we want to tell you about a great way to strengthen your nails. Do you have brittle nails that keep breaking or tearing? There is an easy way to grow them faster and make them stronger. All you have to do is take a nail bath with one tablespoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of olive oil. Mix them together and heat the mixture a little in the microwave. Soak your nails in this mixture for ten minutes and then dry them with a paper towel. Do this every day and your nails will get stronger. This will make them even better suited for a nice layer of nail polish! Now let's move on to the main news. Women who care about nail care, this news is for you.

Did you know that vinegar is essential when it comes to beautifully painted nails?

Nail Polish Tips
Now, let's move on to the tricks that will make your nails look beautiful!
First of all, it is important to properly clean your nails before you start using the polish. We use vinegar for many different jobs and tricks, and it can also be used to clean your nails. Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and use it to clean your nails. You will notice that the nail polish will stick to your nails much better.

After cleaning your nails, you should make sure to apply a suitable base coat called a base coat . This is an important step if you want to make sure your nail polish is permanent. It will also prevent the undersides of your nails from turning yellow or the formation of weak spots on your nails.
Another important thing to keep in mind: apply thin layers of polish. One thick layer peels off much faster than multiple thin layers. If you use a single thick layer, the polish will not adhere properly to the nail. It is also important to wait for one coat to dry before applying the next coat.
You should also apply a top coat similar to the base coat . This will protect the nail polish from external forces. It will also protect the polish from tearing and scratches. This will help your nails look beautiful for much longer.
Finally, keeping your properly dried polished nails under cold running tap water is the last trick. This will help the polish harden properly and also help prevent it from peeling off quickly.

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