Don't let age spots be your nightmare!

Apply these two natural ingredients and you won't have to worry about age spots.

Age spots are harmless scars that form on the skin as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun. While it is not necessary to remove age spots, those who do not like their appearance can try a variety of home and medical treatment options.

As you get older, your appearance begins to change. Wrinkles form, gravity begins to act on certain parts of your body, and dark spots appear on your skin. These spots are called age spots or liver spots. They can appear on your face, legs, arms, shoulders, hands. With each passing birthday, you may notice an increasing number of small dark spots on your skin. Having more of these age spots as you age is a normal body response to sun exposure over time. They mostly begin to appear at or around the age of 50, but younger people can also get age spots if they spend a lot of time in the sun.

Your skin contains melanin, which gives your skin its color. Melanin also gives you a tan when your skin is exposed to UV light. Doctors say that age spots appear when it clumps on the skin or is produced in high concentrations, such as when your skin is exposed to too much UV light.

This is a common ailment where excessive production of melanin (a natural pigment in the skin) causes dark spots and uneven skin . The spots are not dangerous, but it is important to keep an eye on them. Consult your doctor if:

Some spots are darker than others
A dark circle appears around one (or more) of the dots
They continue to grow or begin to take on a reddish color.

Anyone can develop age spots, but you may be more likely to develop the condition if you have fair or fair skin, or if you have a history of frequent or intense sun exposure or sunburn. Older women are more susceptible to age spots and sun damage as they have less melanin in their skin. See your dermatologist if you notice that you have spots that are enlarged or changed in size, multicolored or bleeding. These can be cancerous and need to be treated right away.

If you don't like the way your age spots look, there are many things you can do to get rid of them. Read on to find out how.

Did you know that you can use a simple home product to fight these liver spots? You probably already have two ingredients in your pantry: an onion and apple cider vinegar. The juice of an onion helps to reduce scars. Then there's apple cider vinegar, which helps remove dead skin layers. With these two healing ingredients, you can make your skin look fresh very easily! Puree an onion. Put the pulp in a cotton cloth or sieve and push the juice out. Mix the juice of the onion with apple cider vinegar and apply it to the dark spots. Repeat this daily for a few weeks and you will notice the spots begin to lighten!

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