The way you sit reveals your character! Here is the character test according to the way of sitting

In our previous personality tests, we explored personality traits based on nose shape, sleeping position, favorite coffee, gait style, and more. Today we're back with another personality test that reveals what your sitting style says about you.

According to behavioral studies conducted by experts, it has been determined that leg position reveals personality. Yes, our legs and feet can give an idea of ​​our personality. Experts say that your legs can be a sign of danger or nervousness, anxiety, boredom, insecurity, etc. They state that in the case of negative emotions, they work with commands from our structured subconscious to either go where we want or get away.

Interesting research has shown that airline personnel on flights are trained to detect people sitting with their ankles crossed as a sign of nervousness or anxiety to request service. Cabin crew are often taught, during their training, to ask these passengers more than once if they would like something else to help them open up and relax.


Key Features: Intelligent, Rational Thinkers, Punctual, Intelligent Employees, Cleansers, Honest

A study by researchers at Ohio State University found that people who sit with their knees upright are perceived as qualified for a job role during interviews. It is also seen that they are people who believe in themselves and their skills. They have a healthy and positive view of themselves and have less insecurity as a result. Sitting straight is also a sign of a high level of self-confidence. These people are intelligent, rational thinkers and punctual in their daily lives. They are least likely to arrive late to any meeting or meeting.

They are more likely to do smart work and keep their place, home, kitchen or office space and workspace neat and tidy. Their homes or businesses are likely to be clean and have everything in its place. They are honest but quite timid. They avoid gossiping and talking behind people's backs. They will prefer to keep their emotions in check or keep their emotions to themselves rather than creating a scene or getting involved in conflicts. They have the ability to remain calm in adverse situations and therefore rarely lose their point of view. Their calm minds also help them perceive any changes in the environment or the usual events in daily life.

Key Features: Self-centered, Arrogant, Judgmental, Short attention span and quickly bored.

People who sit with their knees apart appear to have an egocentric feeling in themselves. They also seem arrogant and judgmental. However, research has revealed the opposite of what seems. You will most likely be an anxious person. You aim for perfection so much that you are constantly afraid of something going wrong. Studies have shown that people who sit with their knees apart have a very chaotic mind and schedule. They have short attention spans and have trouble concentrating. They are always discovering and fascinated with every new thing they fail to properly finish one task at a time.

They think they speak intelligently, but their thinking is often distorted. They speak without thinking about the repercussions of their words, or worse, they forget in the middle of the conversation. They get bored easily. They may also become apathetic and leave relationships. These people need a lot of stimulating energy around them. In relationships or at work, wherever they are, they need constant urges and discipline to keep them running smoothly.

Men often sit with their knees open, or this is also called manspreading, but they are often seen in psychology as boys who need constant motherhood or someone to keep them on track.

Key Qualities: Artistic, Creative, Creative, Dreamy, Defensive or closed.

Are you artistic? Do you daydream a lot with your eyes open? You should have the habit of sitting with your legs crossed. TRUE? Research has shown that if you're someone who sits with your legs crossed, you're often bursting with unusual creative ideas. You have extremely creative thinking. You are a complete dreamer. You can get lost in your train of thought while sitting in a group of people. You usually have a big personality, but you're less likely to take up room. However, on a negative note, sitting cross-legged also comes across as a defensive or closed stance. You may be protected and may not allow or want someone to come into your life. You're either afraid or hiding your insecurities.

If sitting with your legs crossed is comfortable or fearful, there are variations in these positions that can provide an accurate reading. If you are sitting comfortably with your legs crossed in your chair and your feet are in the direction of the person in front of you, it means that you are confident and enjoy the conversation. On the other hand, if you're sitting tight or fidgeting with your legs crossed, you're likely to be uncomfortable. Your mind must be somewhere else at that moment.

During a conversation, sitting cross-legged is seen as irrelevant, especially if your feet are facing the door or away from the person you are talking to. Experts have noted that in a work setting, someone who sits with their legs crossed is more likely to reject ideas, talk less, and even be careless than those who sit with open gestures. Worse still, if you cross your arms, it's a clear indication that you're withdrawing from the conversation.

Key Traits: Elegant, Refined, Simple, Confident, Noble, Ambitious, Defensive

Did you know that the British Royal family has a common sitting position? If you sit with your ankles tied, you'll have a gorgeous and queenly lifestyle. You are elegant and realistic. You can look confident and relaxed in any situation. You're rarely found to panic, you're okay with things moving at their own pace. In fact, you have the ability to make everyone around you feel confident as well. You will work hard and tirelessly to achieve your goals. Your passion is contagious. You have a firm belief that your hard work will bear fruit.

You are a good listener and keep everyone's secrets. However, you will never share your secrets or your next move with anyone. You are quite arrogant in your private matters. You also tend to be quite concerned with your appearance. Depending on the situation, you will protect your appearance until the end. You can elegantly hide your discomfort or insecurities.

Behavioral experts and psychologists have also found that sitting with your ankles crossed is in some cases a sign of defensiveness and insecurity. For example, research in law enforcement, the armed forces, and related fields has shown that most people who cross their legs during interrogation tend to withhold information at a high rate.

Key Features: Confident, Dominant, Young, Confident, Content, Argumentative, Competitive

Figure-Four legs locked sitting position, with your legs crossed, with one ankle above the other knee, it looks like you are forming the number four (number 4). If you are sitting in a four-legged sitting position, it shows that you are confident and in control. However, regardless of gender, if you sit on all fours, you will be more dominant, relaxed, confident and youthful compared to people with other sitting positions. You are safe and satisfied with yourself. Even if you feel any lack, you will spend your mind and energy on fulfilling your desires.

You will set your goals and work wisely until you reach them. Building your career and education is a priority for you. That doesn't mean you don't enjoy other aspects of life, but you will always work harder for your career, even on days you don't want to. As the position takes up more physical space, people with this sitting style also like their space and privacy. They often occupy larger rooms, wardrobes or any physical space they are in to claim your territory. Behavior experts have also observed that people who sit with the number four style tend to believe that everything has its own time and place. They see a divine order in everything. They also have a great tendency to dress well and look good. However, they also have an argumentative or competitive nature and are likely to reject any view other than their own.

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