Time savings! With these materials in your home, you can do your skin care and take a stone to beauty salons.

Skin cleansing is one of the most important stages of a skin care routine. Oil, dirt and dead skin residues accumulated on the skin during the day fill the pores and cause skin problems such as acne and blackheads. So how can we do our own skin care without spending a lot of money?

to be well-groomed; It is one of the issues that everyone cares about. You do not have to use expensive creams and masks to be well-groomed. You can have great skin with natural ingredients at home. Fruits and vegetables at home are the most ideal materials for care cures.

Protect and refresh your skin this fall with these naturally cooling DIY face masks .


Fresh, unflavored yogurt keeps the skin soft and watermelon cool. Together they are perfect for soothing sunburned skin .

1. Mix a few medium-sized watermelon cubes with a glass of yogurt.
2. Use a brush to apply this mixture to your face and other sunburned areas.
3. Wait 20 minutes and wash off.

Lemon juice effectively removes oil while adding a fresh scent to your skin, and aloe vera keeps your skin moisturized .

How to make it:
1. Make a quick face mask by taking 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and adding 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice to it. Or scrape fresh gel from the aloe plant.
2. Use the mixture to cover your face and wash off after 20 minutes.

Due to its cooling properties, mint helps calm irritated skin while multani mitti removes excess oil from your skin.

1. Take a bunch of washed mint leaves, crush them into a paste.
2. Take half a glass of multani mitti and add the mint paste to form a thin (not too runny) paste.
3. Apply to face and neck area and wash off when dry.

Your skin will love the cooling effect of cucumber and the moisturizing properties of honey.

1. Grate a clean and fresh cucumber and add 1 tablespoon of honey into it.
2. Carefully apply all over your face.
3. Relax and let your skin soak in the goodness.
4. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Sandalwood was an ancient Indian remedy for cooling the skin and giving it shine. Rose water has refreshing properties.

1. Take 2 tablespoons of pure sandalwood powder and make a paste by adding rose water to it.
2. Adjust the consistency. Apply on face to instantly cool and revive dull skin.

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