What is IVF Treatment?

In vitro fertilization, which is among the first methods applied by couples who cannot have children, is known as "in vitro fertilization" in medical language, that is, IVF for short. This treatment method, which is preferred in cases where women cannot get pregnant naturally, contains many details in itself.

In Which Situations Is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment Applied?
In vitro fertilization is used in cases of infertility due to problems with sperm or ovaries. This method is decided by being guided by the specialist doctor after the necessary infertility tests are done. The ultimate goal in IVF treatment is to have normal fertilization and as a result, to have a healthy pregnancy period.

In vitro fertilization treatment, that is, in vitro fertilization (IVF), can be summarized as the fertilization of egg cells from women and sperm from men in a laboratory environment and the placement of the fertilized embryo inside the woman's uterus. The difference between IVF treatment, which has the same process as the pregnancy period under normal conditions, and natural pregnancy is that it is performed under different conditions.

History of IVF
In vitro fertilization treatment (IVF) was performed for the first time in the world by Robert G. Edwards in 1978. In Turkey, IVF treatment was carried out for the first time in 1989 at Ege University; resulted in success. In vitro fertilization treatment, the foundations of which were laid in the last quarter of the 19th century, have now been further developed and the success rate has reached much higher levels.

What are IVF Treatment Methods?
IVF treatment is applied with two different methods. The first of these is the classical in vitro fertilization treatment (IVF) and the other is the microinjection method (ICSI). IVF treatment, which is the first of these forms of treatment, is more widely used. IVF treatment gives more successful results in cases where there is no negative effect on sperm count and sperm quality; With this method, sperms can fertilize themselves. In the ICSI method, a different process is operated; The egg is made ready for injection and the sperms are placed one by one inside the egg during this process.

IVF treatment methods are preferred after regular and unprotected sexual intercourse continues for at least 1 year and pregnancy does not occur. In vitro fertilization method can be applied as a solution to this condition called infertility.

The Importance of Age in IVF Treatment
The prescribed age limit for IVF treatment in women is 45. The first requirement for women who are found suitable for the IVF method is whether the ovarian functions are suitable with the tests performed on the third day of the menstrual period. Since a decrease in the number of eggs and a decrease in egg quality is observed in women after 35 years of age, pregnancy is relatively less common after this age compared to previous ages.

There is no age limit for IVF treatment in men. However, changes in the DNA of sperms in cases of advancing age may reduce the quality of sperm.

Who Can Have IVF Treatment?
Any individual who meets the following conditions can have IVF treatment, abbreviated as IVF:

    Ovarian ducts in women are closed
    Adhesiveness of the fallopian tubes to prevent them from holding the eggs formed
    Women's chance of pregnancy has reached the low age limit
    Tried drug treatment method; but to fail
    Low or poor quality of sperm in men

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