Causes of Infertility in Women

Infertility, known colloquially as "infertility", can be summarized as the inability to have a baby due to medical reasons. If pregnancy does not occur in at least one year despite unprotected and regular sexual intercourse, infertility, in other words infertility, comes to the fore.

The incidence of infertility in women and men, which covers an average of 15% to 20% of the population worldwide, has been calculated as 50% – 50%. One of the most common causes of infertility seen in women is the inability to produce the eggs that should be produced each month or the failure to produce regularly. This is called ovulation disorder for short.

One of the common causes of infertility in women is the problem caused by the obstruction of the ovarian ducts of the woman. During the formation process of pregnancy, the ovaries take the egg in the ovaries, and then fertilization takes place in the inner parts of the ovary, together with the sperm transferred from the uterus. If these ovarian ducts are blocked, infertility occurs.

Other causes of infertility in women include; disorders in ovulation, clogged tubes, endometriosis, uterine problems and allergic problems.

Partial or complete blockages in the ovarian canal, which can be seen in women, are usually not in people who will become pregnant for the first time; It is more common in people who have had a baby before and cannot get pregnant a second time.

Another cause of infertility in women is the inflammation of the cervix. In such cases, the passage of sperm to the uterus becomes difficult or results in the death of the sperm. Among the important causes of infertility in women is the age of the woman. As women get older, the number of eggs gradually decreases and the quality of the egg loses its value. In these cases, pregnancies can often be miscarried, even if they are pregnant.

Smoking and alcohol use can be counted among the risk factors for infertility in women. Accordingly, nicotine visibly reduces the quality of the ovary and can create a major problem in the fertilization process.

Partial infertility can also be seen in women using intrauterine spirals. The spiral is one of the fairly common means used as a birth control method. The body of the spiral is inside the uterus, and the threads attached to the body are inside the vagina. In some cases, these threads can become inflamed and indirectly cause infertility.

The symptoms of infertility in women vary from person to person. While some women do not show any symptoms, infertility symptoms can be seen quite clearly in some women. Among the most obvious symptoms of infertility in women are some disorders that occur during menstrual bleeding. Accordingly, the disorders that occur during the menstrual period can be the beginning of a very negative process for ovulation functions.

The fact that the bleeding during menstrual periods is quite intense or lasts much shorter than expected is also shown among the factors that negatively affect the ovulation process. In addition, conditions such as skin disorders, stress, hormonal disorders, noticeable increase in hair, unhealthy diet and hair loss in women can be seen as a common sign of infertility.

Women who have infertility symptoms can have an infertility test to clarify this situation. Many different tests or applications can be performed in the infertility test, which is one of the indispensable tests for the diagnosis of infertility. With these tests, the main cause of infertility can be determined after a comprehensive examination of ovulation functions. In addition to these tests, methods such as biopsy or ultrasonography are among the applications related to infertility in women.

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