5 fashion mistakes that make you look old!

Do these simple hacks and look 10 years younger

We women do not accept aging. We like to look young anytime, anywhere. So what are the mistakes that make us women look old? Follow these recommendations in our news, stay young all the time... You can maintain your youthful appearance by following these steps.

No one wants to age, but most women don't want it. In this article, we report 8 fashion mistakes for women. If you avoid these mistakes that will make you look old, your close circle will easily notice the difference. "Looking big" was a compliment when you were younger, but it's a different story when you're older... Did you know that there are some fashions that make you look older? This time we will list and introduce 5 of them.

Black is comfortable, we all know that, but wearing all black is not a good way to judge your age. Instead, black makes your skin look worse, so you can automatically be judged highly for your age. Combining black clothes with some colors will make you look more beautiful and younger.

Large jewelry is no longer in trend. Instead, more and more people are choosing rather small and discreet jewelry. In this way, jewelry is not an element that dominates the general coordination, but an extra element that makes your outfit more beautiful. Small jewelry can not only make you look stylish, but can also make you look a little younger. It is best to avoid using pearls as it will spoil the impression of your outfit.

Tights and stockings complete a variety of outfits. You can't go wrong with black tights but brown tights can be misleading. Especially do not wear tights that are darker than your skin color! It will make your legs look sunburned and make you look older.

Just like all-black clothing, all-black makeup can make your complexion look worse. Plus, thick black eyeliner only accentuates wrinkles. It would be wise to choose brown, olive green and grays for eye makeup. It not only makes your eyes look more beautiful, but also makes you look younger.

We're not against clothes with a fun print, but you shouldn't overdo it. By choosing a printed item and combining it with a quiet outfit, you will ensure that you don't come across as someone who wants to be too cool. Pay special attention to clothes with a floral print: if they are too wide, you will quickly look like your grandmother. So choose a garment that fits your body.

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