Latch miracle! Squeeze your finger and witness the miracle instantly

No one knows this simple method

Practical methods make our work easier in all areas of our lives and also save us time. Here we are with one of these methods. Women who apply this method will thank us after reading our news...

It is extremely difficult to apply uniform nail polish layers. Achieving a clean and vibrant nail polish line takes practice, patience and a steady hand.

Remove the old polish from your nails. To get a neat and even manicure, you must first remove the old polish from your nails. Acetone nail polish removers dry out your nails and cuticles. If possible, use non-acetone nail polish remover instead of acetone nail polish remover.

- Place a cotton swab or ball over the opening of your nail polish remover. Make sure the bottle is completely closed.
- Invert the bottle and wait a few seconds for the cotton swab or ball to saturate with the extractor.
- Rub the saturated cotton swab or ball over your nails to remove the polish.
- Re-saturate your cotton swab or ball as needed.

Trim, file and trim your nails. After removing your old nail polish, take some time to cut, shape and polish your nails. Find nail clippers, a nail file, and a soft tampon.

- Use the scissors to trim your nails if needed.
- Trim the edges of your nails with a nail file. File your nails in a round, square or round square shape.
- Rub a mild abrasive pad over each nail to level the surface of your nails .

Soak your hands in warm water. After your nails are cut, shaped and polished, take a moment to relax and pamper yourself. Take a basin and fill it with lukewarm water and your gentle facial cleanser. Use a gentle body scrub to exfoliate before wetting your hands. To remove the body scrub, soak your hands in warm, soapy water. Soak your hands for three minutes. Remove your hands from the sink and dry them with a clean towel.

- After wetting your hands, your cuticles will be soft and it will be easier to push back .

Push your cuticles back. Don't do this if it really starts to hurt, as it could cause them to bleed. If you haven't done it in a while, it might hurt a little while doing it. Cuticles are part of your skin. They protect your nail matrix, the growing part of the nail, from infection. Cutting your cuticles leaves your nail matrix open to infections. It can also cause deformities such as protrusion and discoloration of the nail. Instead of trimming your cuticles, push them back to give your nails an oval shape. It also makes it easy to create a smooth polish line.

- Use a cuticle pusher to carefully push the cuticle against your nail bed.
- Push the edges of the cuticle inward as well.
- Remove dry or damaged skin.
- Repeat on the rest of your nails

Moisturize your cuticles and skin. After exfoliating your hands, it's important to rehydrate and moisturize your soft skin. Choose a thick and luxurious hand cream or lotion. Massage this cream or lotion into your hands. Or apply some almond oil (usually it comes in a pencil or nail polish type pot) or some clearly labeled cuticle oil and apply it to your cuticles. This keeps them hydrated and the remaining white semi-dead skin is handled properly. 

Remove oil and grease from your nails. If the oils in your hand cream or lotion stay on your nails, it will shorten the life of your nail polish. You can remove these oils from your nails with rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab or ball.

- Place a cotton swab or ball over the opening of the alcohol bottle.
- Turn the bottle upside down and wait until the cotton swab or ball is saturated with rubbing alcohol. Place the bottom of the bottle on a flat surface.
- Run a cotton swab or ball saturated with rubbing alcohol over your nails to remove the oil.
- Repeat as needed.

Before painting your nails Before painting your nails, you can take precautions so that the polish does not dry outside the nail lines. You can achieve a perfect mani every time by applying a thin layer of Vaseline to the edge of your nail. The oil from the Vaseline will act as a barrier between your skin and the nail polish.

- Dip a cotton swab in a jar filled with Vaseline. If you don't have vaseline, you can use lotion.
- Run the cotton swab around the edges of each nail; Keep the swab and petroleum jelly on your skin. Do not let either of them touch your nail.
- Choose your nail polish and get ready to paint your nails.

Now, finally, let's move on to applying our nail polish. Let us share with you a method that most people do not know.

If you wear clothespins on your fingers as in the picture, your nails will come to the fore and your nail polish brush will not touch your fingers while applying nail polish, and you will have applied a clean nail polish.

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