Barre Exercise What You Need to Know About the Barre Exercise Method

Barre exercise, which is a combination of sports and art branches such as ballet, yoga, pilates, and dance with its simple definition, is based on the principle of working all the targeted muscle groups in the body in harmony. Barre, which is a very fun, dynamic and safe exercise, is methodologically based on the movements of ballerinas or ballet dancers holding on to pipes, which we call bars, during the preparation for dance. On top of all this, the breezes coming from different sports branches lead to the emergence of the barre method.

The origins of the barre method, which can be considered as a complex type of exercise, do not actually go back to a very old period. Let's take a closer look at this method, which, as a relatively new philosophy and type of training, spreads rapidly among people interested in sports and arouses curiosity.

What is Barre Exercise?
This method, which takes its name from the French word barre, which means "quickly", serves to tighten the body, increase core muscle mass and increase flexibility. At the same time, barre, which sets out with the goal of a slim and tight body, is among the first choice sports today for people who want to enter this body type. We can say that the difference of Barre from other exercise types and the aspect that makes it popular is that it is a system based on strengthening the muscles by performing many repetitions of weightless, minimal and simple movements.

The barre exercise consists mostly of low-paced, controlled movements. Thus, the heart rate rises in a more controlled way and the focus of the body turns to using muscle power rather than intense cardio training. With high weight and high tempo, the body, which does not get tired instantly, provides deep muscle strengthening, tightening and thinning. Since the barre exercise method is not cardio-based, it is possible to combine it with cardio-heavy sports or methods in the weekly sports routine. In fact, it is said that barre workouts combined with cardio provide much higher benefits to the body.

Who Is Barre Exercise Suitable For?
People who want to follow the barre exercise and the methods related to this exercise, first of all need to determine their goals. Barre exercise is generally known for its suitability for everyone, and if the body structure, muscle equipment and flexibility that can be achieved with barre are sufficient for the person, there are not many obstacles in front of the person to apply this method. So, if the person's goal is to correct their posture, to be more flexible and to have a tighter body, barre exercise is perfect for that person. Since this exercise does not require heavy and fast-paced physical activities as we mentioned before, we can say that it is a very suitable training for the elderly, pregnant people and people with chronic diseases that do not carry a high life risk.

For those who will do barre exercise, let's not forget how important it is to choose the right clothes and the right training program in terms of development, in addition to being physically suitable for this sport. It is of great importance to wear clothes that hug the body in a way that does not hinder the movements, to choose non-slip socks and to choose the training according to the level of the person who will exercise. For this reason, it is recommended that people who do not have a sports background or are not familiar with physical activities based on exercises such as ballet or yoga should first start barre exercises with an instructor.

What Are the Benefits of Barre Exercise?
We have said that among the greatest benefits of the barre exercise or method is to develop muscle groups and provide flexibility to the body. In addition, the yoga-inspired aspects of barre exercise are said by experts to help open the chakras and reduce stress. It's also known to aid weight loss, though not as much as a cardio workout.

The barre method, which basically aims to develop the muscle groups of the whole body as a whole, can also be used for the development of regional muscle groups. The effects of barre exercise, which are known to have different effects and benefits for each region, are listed as follows:

Benefits of the Barre Method for the Abdomen:
Due to its origins in ballet and pilates movements, the barre exercise actively works almost all abdominal muscles. In this way, it is possible to have a very shaped abdominal area appearance and to provide fat burning.

Benefits of the Barre Method for Legs:
Legs and leg muscles, which are one of the target areas of the barre exercise, become more flexible and stronger with this exercise method. At the same time, with the effect of ballet and pilates movements, the leg length is elongated and it has a thinner appearance. One of Barre's goals is the desired development of the legs, and the leg area has an important place in the operation of this method.

Benefits of the Barre Method for the Hips and Back:
Again, the hips, one of the most important and target areas of the barre exercise, are tightened with the effect of the movements in the entire training and defy gravity. In addition, it gains an oval and tight appearance. The effect of Barre on the back region is shown as providing high flexibility to this region and preventing posture disorders on the other hand. In particular, the barre method can be used as a serious method in the correction of spinal disorders.

Benefits of the Barre Method to the Arms:
In the barre exercise, it is possible to develop the arms with resistance or stretch bands or with small weights; but the weights need to be quite low. Because when applying this method, which includes movements that require long and perseverance, the weight gradually gets heavier and the probability of doing the movement correctly decreases. For this reason, it is generally more beneficial to work without weights in the barre method.

How to Get Started with Barre Exercise
It is the first choice for those who want to do barre exercise and benefit from the benefits of this method, to attend courses that teach this exercise or to receive counseling. Apart from this, it is also possible to start barre by making use of video, visual or written content on the internet. It is quite easy to do barre movements at home with the help of a chair; however, it seems that it is the best way to get advice from a sports expert in order to choose the appropriate training program and the movements that are suitable for him.

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