Those who wake up tired in the morning, beware! We explain why you wake up tired...

Do you feel very tired? No amount of coffee to help you stay awake? Well, it might not be because of stress or a bad night's sleep. There are different things that can make you feel tired in the morning. Find out more in our news.

It is common to wake up tired in the morning. Many people try to overcome morning fatigue with a cup of coffee or a shower. However, if this situation persists, it may be due to the following reasons...

The first thing that will make you feel tired is when you don't drink enough water. If you don't drink plenty of water, your blood pressure drops and your brain gets less oxygen. When your brain is not getting enough oxygen, you will feel a little faint. Therefore, try to drink some water immediately after waking up.

Your thyroid is a gland that produces hormones. And these hormones are used to regulate feelings of hunger or fatigue. When your thyroid is not working properly, you will feel tired more often. And that would be a good indication to pay your doctor a visit and get it checked out.

One of the main causes of mental and physical problems is stress. And when you feel tired, it may be because of stress. Do you feel very stressed and tired because of this? Then you may want to find a way to reduce stress. If you don't know how to do it, you can ask your medical professional for advice.

Alcohol may make you fall asleep faster, but it won't make you sleep better. Your sleep quality decreases, which means you wake up tired. If you drink alcohol several times a week, you may want to reduce your intake to improve your sleep quality.

If you feel really tired when you wake up in the morning, you may be experiencing sleep apnea. This is a sleep-related breathing disorder that causes you to stop breathing for about ten seconds during sleep. And that means you never fully reach the deep sleep stage, which causes fatigue when you wake up. You may not realize it yourself, but your partner can help you figure out if this is the case. If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, you should contact your doctor immediately.

If you sleep during the day, these naps can make you feel tired when you wake up. Especially if you sleep more than thirty minutes. When you sleep that long, you can enter REM sleep. When you wake up in REM sleep, you wake up more tired than after a short ten-minute nap.

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