This may be why you are depressed! Millions of people suffer from this ailment.

Experts underline that there is no single cause of depression. Psychological, biological, and social factors can each cause depression. Research has revealed a striking fact that can cause depression. So why does depression occur? What triggers depression? Here are the reasons for your depression...

Depression , one of the mood disorders encountered in many people around the world , expresses a state of mind in which individuals do not feel well mentally.

According to the data shared by the World Health Organization (WHO), 3.8 percent of the global population is struggling with depression. It is observed that people with depression often experience a state of sadness, not being able to enjoy life, and a feeling of pessimism.

* Unhealthy and irregular diet triggers depression
Studies on the subject draw attention to the fact that disruptions in sleep patterns and unhealthy diet trigger depressive mood. A company examining the BMC Medical Journal's study, in which a group of people with depression shared the outputs of the diet followed for 12 weeks, evaluated the relationship between depression and eating habits.

Accordingly, the foods consumed directly affect the mental state of individuals. Because, after this diet, which is free from refined foods, fried foods and very sugary foods, it is noted that the level of depression in individuals decreased compared to individuals who did not follow a diet. On the other hand, it is noted that 32 percent of the participants recovered.

* Healthy intestines, a guarantee of healthy mood
The company, which learned that more than 90 percent of serotonin, the happiness hormone, is present in a healthy gut, and that unhealthy foods consumed uncontrollably affect the benign organisms in the gut, also evaluated the relationship between gut and mental health. Psychobiotics in the intestines affect the mind positively and balance the mood. Consumption of probiotics not only increases the serotonin value, but also reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

* Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of depression
Noting that vitamin deficiency also plays a critical role in the deterioration of mental health, the company draws attention to the low B12 value of depressed patients, based on another study involving 110 depressed patients and 220 healthy individuals. Based on the opinions of experts, he suggests that the risk of major depressive disorder increases 3 times in people with vitamin D deficiency. He emphasizes that if omega-3 fatty acids are consumed regularly, the probability of depression decreases.

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