Stay away from this food that triggers migraine pain!

Getting rid of migraine pain is not as difficult as it seems.

Migraine pain, which negatively affects our daily life, increases its severity especially in summer months. Although there are many factors that trigger migraine, it is necessary to be careful in the consumption of some foods that trigger migraine. Here are the foods that cause migraine pain and natural migraine treatment...

Migraine is a severe headache that can last for hours or even days . Migraine, a pounding or throbbing pain, usually starts in the forehead, on the side of the head, or around the eyes. The headache gradually gets worse.

Almost any movement, activity, bright light or loud noise hurts you more. Nausea and vomiting are common during migraine. Migraines can occur only once or twice a year or every day. Women are more likely to have migraines than men.

Migraine; There are many reasons such as emotional stress, skipping or delaying meals, caffeine consumption, hormonal changes in women. Migraines are more common in hot summer months. Acıbadem Hospital has listed the recommendations that put an end to migraine attacks.


Follow the weather:
Hot weather is one of the main enemies of migraine. If you have information about the weather, you can make the trip plan and the choice of clothes appropriate. Therefore, be sure to follow the weather forecast before going out.

Protect eyes from sunlight:
Sun rays trigger migraines. In addition, the glare of sea, pool and lake water is among the factors that trigger migraine. Sun rays filtering through trees or buildings while driving play an active role in triggering migraine. Therefore, be sure to take your sunglasses when you go out. Take care to use contoured FL-41 tinted migraine glasses, which are much more effective in preventing light sensitivity.

Beware of fluid loss:
Excessive humidity in summer reduces the fluid level in the body. In summer, only half of the fluid loss is removed by water. Therefore, be sure to consume fruits and vegetables to fill the fluid deficit. Also, try to reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption in extreme heat. This is useful in preventing fluid loss.

Caution when doing sports outdoors:
Avoid doing sports between 11:00 and 17:00 when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth. It causes physical stress and increases the feeling of thirst. Try to practice your sports or other activities early in the morning or towards the sunset. If you are going to take a walk, be sure to do it early in the morning or outdoors in the evening.

Stay away from sausage and sausage:
Sausage, sausage, cheese and sauerkraut... These foods are among the foods that trigger migraine. You can consume ginger to take precautions against migraine. The omega 3s, magnesium and vitamin B2 supplements found in ginger form a defense against migraine. Therefore, consuming grilled salmon, salad and ginger drinks reduces the effects of migraine.

Do not choose the wrong activity:
You should avoid activities that trigger light, heat and physical stress. You should avoid summer entertainment as much as possible, such as a 3D movie, an outdoor football - volleyball match, or a roller coaster at the amusement park.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time:
Exposure to light suppresses the hormone melatonin, and you cannot sleep. Quality and regular sleep is the key rule in preventing migraine attacks. Therefore, be careful to go to bed and wake up at the same time and not to change this order.

Changing from very hot to very cold is dangerous:
Do not suddenly move to a cold place or from a cold environment to a warm environment while in a very hot environment. Because even a temperature difference of 5 degrees Celsius in the environment increases the risk of developing a migraine attack by 7.5 percent. Be careful not to be in air-conditioned environments such as shopping malls, cafes, restaurants.

Pay attention to the rules of travel:
Summer means vacation for most people. But to travel; affects sleep patterns changes due to vacation. The stress of preparing for vacation and changes in eating habits are also triggers for migraine. If your journey will be long, you should take frequent breaks. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids makes the journey easier. If you are going to make a long journey by plane, you can take a melatonin supplement before the flight to avoid a migraine attack. You should also take painkillers to relieve pain attacks. Take care to use a neck pillow to ensure proper head and neck position.

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