Artificial intelligence can predict people's political views

In a study conducted in Denmark, it was determined that the political views of individuals can be predicted with 61 percent accuracy by photo analysis using artificial intelligence.

While artificial intelligence and related technologies are presented to people in an interesting way around the world, many people think that it is as harmful as its benefit. Artificial intelligence, which is the utopia of some, has become the dystopia of others.

According to a new study, artificial intelligence can predict people's political views from their facial expressions.

from Aarhus University in Denmark. Stig Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen and his team launched a study examining the link between people's facial expressions and their political views.

In the study, which used photographs of politicians and parliamentarians competing in the 2017 local elections in Denmark, the photographs of 4,647 candidates were examined.

Scientists used different algorithms with Microsoft's facial expression recognition technology to detect people's moods, facial expressions and facial structures. In the research, it was found that artificial intelligence can predict people's political ideologies with 61 percent accuracy based on their facial expressions.

In the said research, it was stated that the deep learning method, in which artificial intelligence has the capacity to learn by imitating human behavior, was utilized.

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