Does Hot Water Make You Lose Weight?

Does Hot Water Make You Lose Weight? Water is among the most basic needs of humans. Everyone knows this information. In diets, it is said that you must drink 2-3 liters of water. The reason for this is to prevent sagging that may occur when weight is lost as a result of dieting. Cold water is expelled after standing in the stomach for 20 minutes. Since hot water takes up to 80 minutes to stay in the stomach and be expelled, drinking hot water has a great effect on losing weight. By keeping the water in the stomach, less food is eaten and the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

 Hot water also allows body fat to be eliminated more easily. We can understand from this that the Chinese and Koreans were already aware of this issue. They stay slim by making it a habit to drink hot water.

While cold water should give you a feeling of fullness more than hot water, it gives you a feeling of hunger and pushes you to eat more.

While hot water sometimes helps excrete fats, it can also throw out minerals that are beneficial to the body. It is recommended to drink 1 tea glass of soda a day to prevent the body from being depleted of minerals.

How Does Hot Water Make You Lose Weight?
    According to research conducted by experts in Europe  , it has been proven that people swimming in hot water  burn more calories and feel less hungry than people swimming in cold water.
    Again, as a result of research conducted in Europe,  it was determined that people who drank cold water  had a more open appetite,  while those who drank hot water  had a decreased appetite.
    As you know, water is something that is very beneficial to our body. You may have heard that in some countries, middle-aged people do not consume any food that is colder than room temperature. Especially people living in the Far East pay great attention to this situation, and if you look at people from the Far East, they all have a thin structure.
    In fact, you can prove the loss of body fat as follows. For example, when you cook a fatty meal, only hot water can dissolve the fat frozen in the pot.
    In short, hot water, which allows food to dissolve more comfortably and easily,  should be an indispensable element for women trying to lose weight  .

Benefits of Hot Water
    It maintains the body's heat balance.
    It regulates blood circulation by mixing directly with the blood.
    It can relax the muscles and relax the internal organs.
    It is very good for constipation.
    It ensures easy excretion of fats.
    It eliminates the effects of stomach acid and prevents reflux symptoms.
    It helps digestion of eaten foods.

If you want to lose weight and want your metabolism to work in a healthy way, hot water will be of great help. You can drink it by squeezing lemon into hot water.

Drinking hot water is also good for cleaning the nose and throat. It dissolves phlegm and makes it easier to remove it from the body.

It also contributes to reducing menstrual pain. The heat of the water also has a soothing and relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles. This helps to reduce contractions and spasms. The dual relationship of lemon and hot water goes hand in hand.

Hot water helps with detox.
When you drink hot water, your body temperature begins to rise, causing sweating. Sweating helps remove toxins from our body. Be sure to squeeze some lemon before drinking.

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