Natural Facial Care Suggestions at Home

Natural facial care at home is quite easy and simple. Instead of spending money on beauty centers outside and using unhealthy, chemical-containing products, you can prepare natural facial care recipes at home and give your skin a completely natural care .

Natural Facial Care at Home

Natural facial care, as its name suggests, is prepared from completely natural products. If there is no ingredient in the recipes we will give you that will cause allergies to your skin, you can use and apply it without fear.

The purpose of doing natural facial care is to keep your skin away from chemicals. For example, most of the foundation, lipstick and other make-up materials you currently use contain chemicals. Although these materials may make you look beautiful for a few days or a few hours, we recommend that you switch to natural care as soon as possible, as they will tire your skin in the future.

Without further ado, how to do natural facial care and natural facial care at home? Let's explain.

Natural Facial Care at Home with Seaweed Powder


  • 2 tablespoons of powdered seaweed (you can buy it from the herbalist.)
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Preparation and application

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered seaweed and 1 tablespoon of water into a glass bowl and mix.
  2. Continue mixing until the mixture reaches a paste consistency.
  3. Apply the mixture you have prepared to your face using your fingers.
  4. What you need to be careful about is that it does not touch your eye area.
  5. Leave the seaweed mask on your skin for 10 minutes and wash your skin.

Thanks to the seaweed mask, acne, acne spots and acne formation will disappear very quickly.

Natural Facial Care Mask at Home for Marble-Like Skin


  • 2 potatoes
  • grater
  • glass bowl

Preparation and Application

  1. Peel the potatoes and grate them finely in a glass bowl.
  2. Extract the juice from the grated potatoes and clean your face with this water first.
  3. Apply the remaining pulp to your nose, face and cheeks.
  4. Afterwards, lie down on a couch and rest for 30 minutes. Potato pulp will not fall off your skin and will stick to your skin.

With the potato mask, acne will be prevented, dark circles under your eyes will disappear, your nose will be clean and you will have a skin like marble. You can apply this mask every day. Your skin becomes so beautiful that you feel as if you have applied powder.

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