Attention, men who snore: It's literally ruining your home! Must be taken seriously, no joke

Snoring is a real disease, according to experts. Stopping breathing during sleep while snoring is also called 'sleep apnea'. In addition to making people who have shortness of breath while snoring reluctant to have sexual intercourse, people who sleep while snoring are also bad bedfellows. Many people do not even want to share a room with someone who snores. Here's the connection between snoring and intercourse...

45-year-old Arunika Selvam, who stated that she made jokes about her husband's snoring with her family and friends in Singapore , but deep down, she was really worried, said: "If I talked about this issue with my husband, I would worry that he would be offended . "

Arunika Selvam thought that snoring was a condition that came naturally with marriage. However, she was wearing out both her husband and their relationship.

According to the news on BBC Turkish, Arunika Selvam said , "He would wake up frequently at night and be grumpy in the mornings."

She couldn't sleep at night because of her husband's snoring, and her performance at work decreased due to insomnia.


Loud snoring is often associated with a disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Experts say that those with OSA's breathing repeatedly stops and then starts again during sleep.

In this disorder, the throat walls become loose and narrow. It prevents normal breathing and causes not enough oxygen.

Respiratory specialist Dr. from James Cook University Hospital in England. Sleep apnea symptoms can vary widely, ranging from mild to moderate to severe, but generally worsen over time, says Ramamurthy Sathyamurthy.

Dr. Ramamurthy Sathyamurthy states that if left untreated, this disorder can affect the physical and mental health of both the patient and his partner, including sexual performance.


Symptoms that are mostly seen while sleeping are as follows:

* Loud snoring
* Stopping and starting breathing
* Being out of breath and making choking noises
* Waking up frequently

Possible daytime symptoms are;

* Headache when waking up
* Feeling very tired
* Inability to focus
* Weakening of memory
* Feeling depressed, irritable and experiencing other mood changes
* Decreased coordination
* Decreased sexual desire


OSA can also lead to other health problems. Experts warn that the drop in oxygen levels in the blood can increase blood pressure, which can lead to other health problems.

According to some studies, OSA can increase the risk of heart failure by 140 percent, the risk of stroke by 60 percent and the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 30 percent.

Dr. Ramamurthy Sathyamurthy emphasizes that couples may sometimes find their partner's snoring funny, but it can also pose a serious problem.

“Typically, 90 percent of the patients I see are referred to me because their partners have been very negatively affected,” he says.

The discomfort can cause partners to sleep in different rooms, known as a 'sleep divorce', although this is only possible if they have an additional bedroom.


Even though Arunika Selvam lives in Singapore, one of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world, finding another room to sleep in the house they live in is not an option for her.

"We had to rent our guest room because living in Singapore was very expensive," says Arunika Selvam, married for 15 years and mother of one .

But after countless sleepless nights, Arunika Selvam sat down and discussed her snoring problem with her husband.

His wife was reluctant to go to the doctor because both her father and grandfather snored, believing that this was a completely normal situation.

Arunika Selvam also emphasizes that snoring is believed to be a sign of masculinity, especially in Asian countries.

Sara Nasserzade, a relationship therapist in the USA, says that in such cases, the right moment should be chosen to address the issue sensitively with partners.

"Maybe after sexual intercourse, maybe after a good moment," says Sara Nasserzade .

The social psychologist also emphasizes that it is important to remember that the snorer is ashamed of this situation.


According to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Foundation, there are 15 million people in the UK who snore, and the condition affects 30 million people - almost half the population.

According to the foundation, twice as many men snore as women.

But regardless of who the snorer is, this situation leads to very dramatic consequences and is said to be one of the biggest causes of divorce in the US and UK. But it is difficult to find concrete data to support this.

Rita Gupta, a family lawyer from England, says that in the company she works for, they come across many divorce cases related to snoring:

"It's definitely one of the discontents in marriage. A lot of people have told me, 'We've been sleeping in different rooms for a few years and we've become estranged from each other because of his snoring.'"

The family lawyer states that not taking any steps towards this problem is a common problem:

"For example, a woman said to a man, 'He was already snoring a lot. It was negatively affecting my sleep and he did nothing to solve this problem.'"


Recommendations for lifestyle changes in the treatment of sleep apnea are as follows:

* Lose weight
* Quit smoking
* Limit alcohol intake

However, many people need to use a Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) device.

The device delivers air through a mask worn over the nose or mouth while sleeping.


Attitudes towards snoring can vary globally and individually, and can also vary according to economic, social factors, and even gender and sexuality.

Salman (not his real name) is a 40-year-old gay man who works as a hotel receptionist in Sri Lanka.

He hides his sexual orientation from his family. Her family thinks that her boyfriend has a friend who rents the spare room in his house:

"My partner snores a lot and I cannot sleep because of his snoring. I can only sleep at night when my mother comes to us.

When my mother comes, my partner leaves the spare room in the house to my mother, saying that it is his, and he sleeps on the couch. Only then can I sleep properly.

My girlfriend defines herself as a gay man with feminine characteristics. However, snoring is a masculine situation in our culture. "I'm afraid that talking about this might hurt him and he might break up with me."

While Salman was trying to gather the courage to talk to his partner about the snoring issue, Arunika Selvam finally convinced her husband to see a doctor and he was diagnosed with sleep apnea.

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