The cause of sleep sensitivity aroused surprise! Some people don't wake up if a cannon explodes, some wake up to the sound of birds...

While some people wake up to the sound of a door squeaking, some people do not hear the alarm and do not wake up even if a drum is played next to their head. So, what are the factors that differentiate people's sleep depth? Here are the details...

People's sleep depth is a more comprehensive issue than a personal characteristic . People's sleep patterns and depth of sleep change under the influence of biological and environmental factors.

Bursts of brain activity that occur in the early stages of sleep are called 'sleep spindles'. Although there is not much research into the cause of both types of sleep, some tests conducted by scientists shed light on the subject.

In an EEG (test that measures electrical movements in the brain), these sleep spindles are measured and differences in their amounts are shown to change how much one responds to sound while sleeping.

People with more sleep spindles can sleep easily even with loud noises, while those with fewer sleep spindles are more sensitive to sound.

The environment also plays an important role in the depth of sleep. For example, in a noisy environment or an uncomfortable bed, both sleep quality and depth of sleep decrease.

In addition, the stress and anxiety brought by modern life make it difficult to sleep comfortably throughout the night.

Another situation that affects the depth and quality of sleep is daily life style and habits. It may be easier for those who exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet, and establish a sleep routine to fall into deep sleep.

According to the news in Webtekno, substances such as caffeine and alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and cause light sleep. Consuming caffeine, especially in the evening, prevents sleep from transitioning to the REM phase and may cause more frequent waking during the night.

Among the causes of light sleep, there are also factors such as sleep apnea. Impaired breathing causes frequent awakenings and significantly reduces sleep quality.

Disorders such as narcolepsy (sleeping sickness) and restless legs syndrome are also among the causes of light sleep.

When you look at it, there is actually no single reason that makes sleep light or deep. Therefore, if you are complaining about your sleep pattern, it may be time to change some things in your life.

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