The fruit that was banned because of its smell! Its benefits are endless, Asians eat it slice by slice

This fruit was banned because of its smell, but its benefits are countless! Asians eat this fruit slice by slice! Here are the benefits of that fruit...

Durian is truly a very different type of fruit with its extremely intense smell and appearance. This fruit, which grows in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia, is known for its famous smell rather than its taste. Its smell is so strong that it is not allowed in places such as hotels, buses, subways and airports.

Durian fruit is one of the most interesting fruits in the world and is known as the "king of fruits" in Southeast Asia. It is also called the "fruit of heaven and hell" in some regions; It reminds us of hell with its bad smell and thorny shell, but of heaven with its taste and benefits. Its shell has a six-sectioned, fleshy and juicy structure. The fleshy parts may be green, cream-yellow or grey-yellow. The pods contain six seeds, usually in shades of yellow-brown. These seeds may cause breathing difficulties when consumed.

The durian tree grows in rainy tropical regions where it can grow up to 40 meters tall. The leaves of the tree are smooth and slightly hairy; The skin of the fruit is green and covered with sharp thorns. The tree begins to bear fruit between the ages of 5-10, and one fruit can weigh 2-3 kilograms, sometimes even over 3 kilograms. Durian has even taken the shape of the opera house in Singapore, which is considered the symbol of the country.

Durian fruit is known for its high nutritional value and many health benefits:

- High Vitamin C and Antioxidant Content : Fights free radicals in the body.
- Potassium Richness : Increases body resistance and helps control blood pressure.
- Immune System : It strengthens and plays an important role in the production of blood cells with its copper content.
- Energizing : It revitalizes the body and facilitates digestion.
- Nervous System : It benefits epilepsy patients thanks to its ability to calm the nerves.
- Free of Cholesterol and Fat : It does not contain cholesterol and is low in saturated fat.
- Vitamin B Richness : It helps regulate nerve cells and is good for depression.
- Insomnia : The amino acids it contains promote the secretion of melatonin and serotonin hormones.
- Carbohydrate Need : Meets 20% of the daily carbohydrate need.
- Healing of Wounds : It has an anti-aging effect and protects heart health.
- Colon Health : Protects the colon mucosa and relieves constipation problems.

Durian fruit can be consumed in a variety of ways and is used in many different recipes. Although it is recommended to consume it raw, it is preferable to eat it cold. It can also be boiled with sugar and consumed as compote, to enhance the flavor of ice cream, or fermented in containers and eaten. The bark is used to whiten silk and can be canned.

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