Those who store melon in this way consume it even in winter! Here's the trick It stays fresh for months

 Never stay away from the taste of melon! When you store it this way, you can consume it even in winter. Melon, which spoils very quickly, stays fresh for months when stored correctly. What should be done to prevent melon from spoiling? Here's the trick...

Melon, one of the most popular fruits of summer, will last for months if you store it this way. If you do not want to be separated from the delicious taste of melon even in winter, you can store melon until winter with this method. While melons stored with wrong methods spoil in a short time, they can also be stored for months with the right method.

The ways to keep melons fresh and maintain their healthy structure are quite simple. First of all, experts state that the area where melons will be stored should be dry, cool and away from sunlight, and emphasize that under these conditions, melons can stay fresh until winter. Storing all the melons in the refrigerator by arranging them so that they do not touch each other will keep the fruits fresh for up to two months.

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