Benefits and Harms of Mussels (Farm-Sea)

Stuffed mussels can be a seafood product that whets the appetite of everyone from seven to seventy. However, let this appetite not cause other anorexia! Are the benefits of mussels important or harms? It's not hard to compare!

About Mussels
The desire of people to consume clean things was replaced by the desire to eat "everything you want" or "everything that tastes better". This being the case, some creatures that continue their lives for the order of the world have whetted people's appetite. There are some animals whose existence consists in maintaining order in the ecosystem. Like the trees and plants that keep the air clean, one of the reasons why sea water is clean is because of some marine species in the sea. One of them is mussels . While these sea creatures meet their nutritional needs, they are actually responsible for cleaning the sea. However, with the instinct to eat everything, humanity does not hesitate to include such creatures in their menus, which may be more harmful than beneficial if they are eaten openly.

Stuffed mussels , on the other hand, is a kind of snack made by cooking mussels and adding a special mixture of spicy mussel rice. Stuffed mussels, which are snacked on foot, are also known to be eaten for satiety purposes. However, this situation leads to the emergence of its harmful properties even more.

The curious question is: can mussels be eaten or not? But the answer is simple: if mussels are eaten for their benefits, why do those who find the same benefits in other foods eat it at the risk of harm?

Benefits of Mussels
    Thanks to the protein it contains, the mussel meets some of the protein from the meat requirement.
    It can benefit the thyroid glands due to the selenium it contains,
    It has a high vitamin A rate, is good for the eyes and supports the immune system.

Of course, the benefits of mussels are not limited to these. These are the features that are most effective.
Harms of Mussels

The damages of mussels will increase in parallel with the pollution of the seas. Hunting from places close to cities and these products sold have the highest damage. The mussel poisoning stage is a situation that can be caused by excessive consumption of mussels.

    Residues and absorbed toxins in the mussel can pass into the human body,
    It can cause risky diseases such as hepatitis A virus,
    May cause cardiac arrhythmia,
    It can even cause the risk of paralysis by affecting the nervous system with its mercury-containing feature,
    It can cause stomach cramps, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Can You Eat Mussels During Pregnancy?
Those who crave mussels or stuffed mussels during pregnancy will feel the need to turn to another option as an alternative if they have information about the production and production of this food. However, if you are asked to eat persistently, try to eat less. Maybe it's just for a taste… Or if you read a little more, you can see how much harm it can cause to the baby, even by tasting it.

Every food eaten during pregnancy should be questioned not once, but maybe ten times. If we are craving stuffed mussels, which we greedily eat in normal times, this is what we should think about first;
    how and where he grew up
    how it is collected and preserved (stored),
    what processes have been passed,
    cleaning and how those who make it inside,
    how it is stored after preparation,
    and most importantly, the benefit and harm of the mussel itself should be well known.

Everyone knows where the mussel grows. Seas… But not so clean seas (who can claim that the seas are clean these days?). The fact that the mussels fed in these seas are especially close to the cities shows that they can meet the food they need for their nutrition from the waste water of the city. Which is a feast for them. A feast of taste offered to them through the digested and decomposed waste water channels! For us, it's just the sewage waste of the city…!

If you consider the conditions of collection and storage of mussels, you can more or less guess how effort should be made to keep the meat of a mussel, like every living thing, from spoiling. How much and how to comply with this is a situation that needs to be considered.

Do the contents of the mussels, the processing stages and the way they are prepared, show a randomness in order to be presented to the market? If we consider the preparation of the rice that is put in it, where the water for that rice is obtained from, what rice the rice is made from (today, the cheapest rice is hybrid or GMO rice), how possible would it be to control it?

It is also possible to wonder whether the people who prepare the stuffed mussels go through adequate health checks, do the remaining rice from the fillings wait, if they wait, do they camouflage it by adding spices when the smell changes.

In the preservation of the stuffed mussels, intense effort and cold conditions are required in order not to spoil the meat and to prevent the rice from spoiling. Besides, I wonder how many days the dead creature of the mussel, which is always closed, and the rice inside it can stay that way; Bacteria not exposed?

If the task of the mussel creature while it is alive is to contribute to the cleanliness of the seas, then can we ask this? What does it clean and filter out of the water, and what does it do with the residues it cleans? First, let's look at the tasks of the mussel:

Mussels, like other lobster-like creatures, feed by filtering the water and absorb heavy metals such as mercury and zinc in the water and store toxins. Because the task of decomposing and purifying water has been given to billions of living things like mussels. In this process, where a mussel alone does not mean anything, the impact of billions of tiny living things will of course be different.

Although mussels continue to live by feeding on these residues and even building their shells with these residues due to their structure, these harmful metals and bacteria can penetrate their bodies and reach their brains by capillary means when other creatures and people with different structures eat mussels. In this case, there is a risk of the damage of the mussel you read above. Alternatively, farmed mussels are recommended, the decision is yours.

Are Mussels Produced on Farms Eaten?
It is said that mussel breeding in farms is not like natural mussels grown in the seas and that they are bred in hygienic conditions. The health rate of the mussels in the farms is related to the nutritional conditions, the feed given, the environment, the microbial value of the water and whether the poison rate given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is exceeded. Although controlled breeding is carried out, the function and purpose of the mussel is clear; clean and store! It may come to mind that if you give it clean things, it cannot store anything harmful. This is partially true. When mussel breeding is considered as fish or chicken breeding, the most profit goes through the production. The maximum production depends on the reduction of feeding costs, rapid growth (inflating), in short, the feeds and drugs given.Given how farm products differ from natural products today, the decision is up to the eaters.

As a result; Mussel is a crop that should not be consumed by pregnant women, children and people with low immunity. The harms of mussels are constantly increasing with researches. Because the seas are getting polluted day by day, it is not possible today to keep track of which mussels are produced and where.

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