What is Crow's Foot, How is it Passed?

Crow's feet is the name given to the wrinkles around the eyes. Wrinkles occur on the face over time. The eye area is one of the most wrinkled areas.

What Are the Factors Affecting the Formation of Crow's Foot?
Since the formation of crow's feet is a type of wrinkle, the advancing age factor has an important place in this regard. Advancing age leads to changes in the body.

As time passes, people may not notice this, as the body loses its value in vitamins. But it should be known that the deficiencies in the body are reflected on the skin and wait to be repaired.

Another factor that triggers crow's feet is too much sun exposure. In individuals who go to the sun a lot, the formation of crow's feet is more and it occurs at an earlier age.

Another factor is to make a lot of gestures. Activities such as talking, laughing and crying with very specific facial expressions are factors that affect the formation of crow's feet.

It is seen that there is smoking and hookah use in people with crow's feet. Smoking and hookah use are harmful to the body and skin. Smoking and the use of such products also cause premature aging of individuals.

Crow's feet occur in individuals who are always busy with their eyes, tire them and rub them constantly.

Sleep deprivation causes many ailments. Excessive sleep deprivation also causes psychological disorders. Insomnia, which also causes the formation of crow's feet, makes the bodies of individuals tired. Insomnia makes the eye area tired and causes wrinkles in that area to increase.

The lack of sufficient water consumption also causes the formation of crow's feet. Insufficient water consumption is the enemy of the skin. Because the skin dries out, loses its vitality and cracks like a desert. Then wrinkles appear.

Of course, it should be noted that genetic structure is also a very important factor. Due to genetic structure, many things occur in the skin structure of individuals.

Vitamin deficiencies are also one of the factors that cause wear and tear on the body and skin. Vitamin A deficiency, in particular, causes crow's feet.

How Do Crow's Feet Pass?
Crow's feet, which occur as a result of the destruction of collagen, can be removed with collagen supplements. In addition, elastin in the body decreases with the destruction of collagen.

There are many ways to get rid of crow's feet, which are caused by the combination of all these factors.

The first thing that can be recommended is to consume plenty of water. Because water consumption is a factor that ensures the regeneration of cells. Things such as not being sleep deprived, not using tobacco products should be done.

In addition, there are things that can be applied to the skin. Facial yoga, which is popular in these periods, provides the removal of wrinkles on the face and even the creation of botox effect. Just as sports rejuvenate the body. Facial yoga also has the ability to remove wrinkles by activating the cells in the skin.

As mentioned above, it is possible to remove wrinkles with collagen supplementation. But the point to be considered is to perform this procedure with the control of a doctor.

At the same time, supplementing the missing vitamins in the body helps to stop wrinkles.

According to studies, creams made with rosehip are an effective factor that helps to remove crow's feet. Rosehip provides regeneration of the skin and removal of dead cells.

Again, it should be mentioned that royal jelly is one of the best natural products for the skin.

It is possible to get rid of crow's feet with mixtures prepared with royal jelly.

Massage for Crow's Feet
One of the most annoying events for women is skin wrinkles that occur in advanced ages. If skin care is not taken care of, it starts to become evident especially after the twenties. The exercises to be done for these crow's feet, which usually appear more often around the eyes, are as follows:

    Open and close your eyes quickly as you press your temples with two fingers. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
    Unwind. Keeping your eyes closed, look up and then down. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
    Flex your eyelids as low as possible while keeping your eyes closed and raising your eyebrows as high as possible.  Hold the stretch for about 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.
    Open your eyes, raise your eyebrows, and close your upper eyelids halfway. Then open your eyelids as wide as possible until the whites of the eyes are visible above the iris.
    Move your eyes up and down 10 times, then look left and right 10 times.

Natural Mask for Crow's Feet
It is necessary to add 1 wooden teaspoon of royal jelly, 1 wooden teaspoon and 1 teaspoon of wheat essential oil into a mixture. It is necessary to apply this mixture under the eyes and wait for 20 minutes.

This cure can be done 2 or 3 times a week.
It is possible to apply more care masks. It is possible to beautify the skin by using different products and materials.

In addition to these options, the problem of crow's feet can be eliminated by botox or laser.

Of course, the best solution is the natural way. 

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