Here's what acne is telling you about your lifestyle habits in these 4 areas of your body

Acne can occur in different parts of our body, regardless of male or female. What messages do the areas where acne breakouts, which are quite annoying, give us? We included golden information in our news...

Acne can really determine what happens to your body and what health problems you may have. But in most cases, it's all caused by very simple lifestyle issues that can be changed right away. The thing to do is to find out what triggers another acne and what we can do today to prevent it from occurring in the future.

1. Around the mouth
Pimples around your mouth can occur if the skin in that area becomes irritated or is frequently touched with other objects, such as a cell phone, helmet straps, or musical instruments. Different cosmetics and facial products can also cause it. Like hormones and genetics.

First of all, if it occurs frequently, see a dermatologist who can find an appropriate treatment that will work for you. But in any case, it is always better to prevent it than cure it. So make it a routine to clean your skin twice a day with a gentle or mild cleanser. Use oil-free products labeled "non-comedogenic" (non-pore-clogging) and please avoid touching your face.

2. on the nose
Our nose is one of the most acne-prone areas of the face. This is because their pores are typically larger, which makes it easier for dirt and bacteria to clog the pores. Moreover, the skin here is oilier and, as a result, more vulnerable to acne.

Nasal acne can be triggered by diet, stress, and certain medications. Sometimes it can be a sign of more serious underlying health problems. But the most common cause is poor hygiene. Therefore, it is always good to add tea tree oil, which is a very gentle and effective treatment for acne, or sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur, which will prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin, into your routine. In very serious cases, consult a dermatologist.

3. On your forehead
The important factor here is the same, the increase in oil production in your skin. But sometimes it's hard to understand why this happens. Especially if you're not taking certain medications and it's not hormones or stress. It's interesting to know that our hair can be the source of forehead acne.

If you don't wash it often enough or your hair is oily, oil can get on your forehead and clog pores. Different pomades, gels and waxes can also cause this as they often contain cocoa butter or coconut oil and can leave your skin extra oily. A gentle cleanser can fix this problem. If it doesn't help, try to avoid oily hair products and wash your hair more often.

4. Chin and neck
If you think that acne in general may be hormonal, we have good news for you: Not everything is like that. When certain hormone levels change, it can cause an increase in androgens, a common factor that contributes to adult acne. However, there are some areas that are true indicators of hormonal fluctuations and these include our chin and neck.

It's totally okay if fluctuations happen during menstrual cycles. It can also be caused by taking medications such as birth control. In severe cases, it can be a medical condition, but most of the time, a non-comedogenic cleanser, moisturizer, and acne treatment can fix the problem. Just like basic sun safety and proper sunscreen use.

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