Attention from experts - Do not do these while trying to lose weight!

Excess weight does not only create health-related problems, but also negatively affects the quality of life and human psychology. Usually everyone's common complaint is their excess weight. Do you know how you can lose your excess weight in a healthy way?

There are two steps to lose weight and control weight. First; healthy diet, second; is regular physical activity. Getting rid of excess weight, at least going into a weight loss process, will contribute to changing your life in a positive way. You feel physically healthier, you start to lead a more stress-free life by relaxing yourself psychologically. This automatically helps to increase the quality of life. Here's what not to do when losing weight:

Do not join any place or institution by blindly believing the "hard to believe" claims. Losing weight without a nutrient-dense weight loss diet and exercise can have many side effects. Why should we take the risk? Losing weight is easier with proper diet and exercise regimen, don't be fooled by deceptive claims.

Although calories from a slice of pizza and a bowl of whole grains carry the same number of calories, they do not provide the same amount of nutrients. You can get unhealthy fats, high sodium from that slice of pizza, vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, etc. from the salad bowl. This can help speed up metabolism and increase weight loss.

Healthy food is of great benefit for overall health and for accelerating weight loss, but in the end, it still has calories that lead to weight gain and create a calorie surplus. Do portion control even when eating healthy foods.

Don't be fooled by "DIET" AND "SUGAR FREE" FOOD LABELS:
Companies now sell their products with the label "diet", "sugar free". To health-conscious consumers, a glance at the Ingredient list will reveal whether these food items are actually diet-friendly. Some diet-friendly foods have hidden calories, increase sugar cravings, and can cause weight gain. Pay more attention to the details on the back of the packaging because it carries all the small details and the complete ingredient list. Also, the “natural” label does not mean that the product is 100% natural, it can be processed or even ultra-processed. Sugar free may not actually be sugar free, chemicals may have been added to sweeten the product. When trying to be fit and healthy, it's important to read the labels and ingredients of every packaged food.

Lack of sleep not only prevents you from losing weight, it can also cause belly fat to build up within a few days. If you're trying to lose weight, resting your body enough, getting 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep can do wonders because it improves metabolism, balances appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin and leptin, and lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Never compromise on quality and number of hours of sleep for a healthy body and mind.

Planning to replace all meals with green juice, juices, and meal replacement powders? No, it won't help you burn fat because juices and a liquid diet lack an essential nutrient for weight loss. Soluble fiber is essential for the proper functioning of healthy gut bacteria, which can help slow the digestive process, keep you full for longer, regulate blood sugar levels, and can also cause constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues. Therefore, eat healthy, not liquid.

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