The way you cross your arms reveals your personality!

Here is the personality test according to the arm cross shape.

Do you cross one arm in front or both hands in front? Or do you clasp one arm behind your back? Learn interesting personality traits from the way you cross your arms.

Research has revealed that personality testing, based on our body characteristics and the way we sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, and even cross our arms, helps decipher our personality traits. Body language experts have explored various ways to roll up our sleeves to reveal what kind of person we are in our lives. Different styles of cross arms have different meanings. We often believe that crossing your arms makes you look defensive. However, certain cross-arms styles imply commanding, confident, and authoritative body language styles.


If a person crosses one arm in front, their personality trait indicates that they are defensive, upset, or nervous. Especially in a crowded room, people try to console themselves. They try to create a barrier because they feel inadequate or insecure. They may feel safe with so many people looking at them, which makes them feel like they're hiding. In particular, during a conversation, if someone crosses one arm in front, it's a sign that something said is making them feel uneasy and defensive. This gesture is a gift of insecurity, doubt, anxiety, stress, and shyness. Socially inept or introverted people do this arm gesture a lot. They may smile to look relaxed and confident, but their way of crossing their arms says otherwise.

If a person crosses both hands in front of them on the groin or abdomen, their personality traits indicate that they feel vulnerable and nervous but need to appear confident in public. Usually, the person doesn't like to feel exposed, so most guys keep both hands in front. According to her body language, this is not a confident position. Often people who feel insecure adopt this arm gesture. This type of body language also reveals some 'self-restraint' as the person does not feel confident, nervous or scared. Unless you're in between a meeting or social function where an authoritative figure is presented, this gesture is a clear indication of stress and nervous feelings. This move should be avoided if the person wants to appear confident and assertive.

If someone grabs both hands behind his back, personality traits reveal that he is not interested in what the other person will say or do. Holding hands lightly shows confidence and pride in one's own identity. This gesture is not the same as the confident gesture. This gesture is also an open position where the body is fully exposed, saying that the person is completely relaxed and at peace with himself. They are confident and show no signs of fear of vulnerability. Rather, they display superiority, strength, and confidence. Such a person demands respect and shows authority. However, when this gesture is made by someone in the lower chain of the hierarchy, it shows frustration and anger. Such a gesture is often used by leaders, policemen, CEOs,

If someone holds an arm behind their back, personality traits indicate that the person feels small and lacks self-confidence. They exhibit obedience and lack of strength. They may also be trying to console themselves.

The tighter and higher the grip on one arm, the more restless, nervous, irritable and stressed the person becomes. This gesture usually means that the person is seeking comfort and a secure feeling to relax. Usually, people who feel anxious in group settings or around authority figures take up this arm crossing move. Teens and children who are indecisive or frightened in their answers also stop in this arm crossing motion. One should learn to avoid this arm movement and adopt the palm-to-back-arm-cross style to feel more flavorful and controlled.

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