40 Suggestions for Activities in 8 Areas for Those Who Say My Child Can't Get Up With Their Tablets

In the past, children spent all their time outside playing with their friends, and bringing them home required a lot of effort. Of course, we are talking about the times when technology did not enter our lives that much. Nowadays, we are happy when children go out, play and communicate with their friends. From tablets to computers, the technological devices that children want to spend almost all their time with are harmful as well as useful. There are activities and activities to be done with children in order to put them a little distance between them and to distract them from the tablets that detach children from social life.

Below , we have listed the activities and activities for you to get your child off the tablet and have fun.

1. Activities to do at home
There are many ways to spend quality time with your child by staying at home. At this point, in addition to the suggestions listed below, things that you and your child love gain importance. Here are the activities to do with the kids at home:

- Fix something broken or malfunctioning at home together.
- Prepare a favorite meal or dessert together.
- Plant flowers, water the flowers in your home, change the soil together or care for the flowers.
- Seats, pillows, sheets, etc. in the house. Build a tent with items and play house in it.

2. Games that can be played together
If you want to take your child away from the tablet, the best thing you can do for him is to communicate with him and show that you can have fun together. Games that you can play together, taking into account the wishes of your child:

- Play your child's favorite board games . (Like sister-in-law, jenga.)
- Play with intelligence-enhancing toys . (Like chess, checkers, solo test.)
- Play games where they can improve their skills. (Dough, like a brain cube.)
- Play nostalgic games. (Like marbles, charades, housekeeping.)
- Play digital but useful games. (Of course, your child also wants to play with technological devices such as tablets and computers. Child development experts always remind that banning technological devices is not the solution. Instead of banning, they recommend playing games such as MentalUP , which improve children's cognitive skills, for half an hour a day. You can view the approved MentalUP Educational Intelligence Game .)
- Let them learn English while playing: Novakid, created specifically for children aged 4-12, helps children learn English. In the trainings prepared in accordance with European standards, it is aimed that the child learns English by loving, understanding and applying it. For this reason, games are used as a teaching method in the lessons. You can use Novakid on your tablet or computer. You can get more information by clicking here .

3. Activities that create family awareness
One of the most important points in drawing children's attention to something other than the tablet is the commitment and family awareness of family members. You can help children get away from the tablet by allowing them to spend time with their family, not by imposing prohibitions or being harsh on them. Here are the activities to do with children that can increase family awareness and commitment:

* Invite someone you enjoy spending time with home or go to a guest.
* Look at her old family album together, her childhood photos. In the meantime, tell him what he is curious about.
* Take family photos or selfies, make it fun.
* Turn off the lights and technology completely and light candles. Get together as a family and chat.

4. Physical activities where he can throw his energy away
Children are generally quite energetic and active. In this case, it would be a big mistake to blame them and tell them to sit quietly in a corner. If you see that your child is energetic, you should direct him to activities where he can throw his energy away from the tablet. Here are some fun activities that your child can energize:

- Do sports in a way that does not tire him, with movements appropriate for his age.
- Listen to music and dance together.
- Go horse riding.
- Get on the bike.
- Go to the amusement park or entertainment center.
- Improve sports skill by playing ball games like basketball, volleyball and soccer.
- Play games that you know he likes, such as blind and hide and seek.

5. Activities that can improve creativity
Children need activities that will feed their creativity in every period. There are many activities that can be useful for big dream worlds. Here are some activities that can improve your child's creativity while distracting them from the tablet:

- Write a story together using your imagination.
- Kids' favorite activity: Play with colors and paint.
- Do handicraft activities such as sewing, making models.
- Try painting a wooden item or furniture together.
- Organize mini shows with puppets according to their age.
- Write and act out a story for her favorite toys/characters.

6. Social responsibility activities
No matter what age your child is, it is very important to gain social responsibility awareness. Every activity you do as a child will prepare him for adulthood and will leave a mark on his character. If you want your child to learn about helping each other and the importance of other living things, the activities you can do together are:

- Organize her closet of clothes or toys together, donate excess items to those in need, and talk to her about the importance of it.
- Plant saplings in your garden or a green area around you.
- Leave food and water to stray animals, love them.
- Participate in volunteer work that will increase children's awareness of helping each other.
- Visit an animal shelter.

7. General culture activities
Cultural accumulation begins in childhood. No matter what age your child is, there are many activities where he can develop his general culture and socialize. Here are some of the cultural activities in our series of activities to do with children:

- Go to the theatre.
- According to his interests (eg cars, airplanes, submarines, etc.) take him to a museum.
- Go to the cinema.
- Read books regularly and chat about the book in order to gain the habit of reading books.
- Participate in workshops specially organized for children.

8. Outdoor activities with children
If you want your child to spend time outside the house, you can find many outdoor activities to suit both him and your taste. Apart from the ones listed below, you can discover new places and determine your route according to your child's interests. Here are the activities and activities you can do outdoors with your child:

- Pack your backpacks and go hiking.
- Watch the sunset and sky together.
- Go for a walk to his favorite places, chatting along the way.
- Have a picnic, play ball on the lawn or set up a hammock together.

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