Phobias and Types of Phobias 15 Interesting Phobia Types

Each of us has certain fears in life. When these fears reach an unusual and morbidly strong level, they are called “phobias”. Phobias based on fears of the dark, heights, spiders or confined spaces are now familiar to all of us.

Many people with phobias learn to live with or overcome them over time. However, the basis or size of some phobias can make people's lives very difficult and reduce their quality of life. So, what other phobias do you think there are, apart from the ones we're now familiar with? We have compiled the most interesting phobias in the literature for you.

1. Neophobia: Fear of Innovation
Starting a new job or occupation can be difficult for each of us from time to time. But people with neophobia have a very strong fear of doing such a thing. Neophobia, which we can define as the fear of novelty, is most commonly encountered in dietary routines. Neophobic people cannot be open to new experiences; they always prefer the tastes, places, environments and behaviors they are accustomed to. The strong fear of trying a new flavor is also defined as food neophobia. Considering how difficult it is to live a life exactly the same from beginning to end, we can say that neophobia is among the phobia types that make life difficult.

2. Nomophobia: Fear of Being Away from Cell Phone
nomophobia; It is a type of phobia that many people in society may have these days, where technology is an indispensable part of our lives day by day. This phobia, which is a combination of the words "no mobile phone", is defined as the fear of being without a mobile phone. It is even known that nomophobia, which increases with the spread of smartphones, even leads to suicides in Europe. It is possible to say that it is becoming more and more widespread in our country. Nomophobic people may feel incomplete when their phones are not with them, and they need to check their phones frequently even when they are with them. This phobia, which we can define as one of the new syndromes of the modern age, is more common especially in young people.

3. Emetophobia: Fear of Vomiting
None of us likes to vomit, but far fewer have a strong fear of vomiting. Here, when this strong fear comes into play, we start talking about emetophobia. Emetophobia refers to an unusual fear of vomiting or situations related to vomiting. In emetophobic people, a constant feeling of anxiety that they will vomit, and accordingly a fear of witnessing the act of nausea and vomiting can be observed. They may even refuse to look at many foods or drinks because they are afraid of getting nauseous, and accordingly they have a hard time putting their eating habits on a healthy plane.

4. Globophobia: Fear of Balloons
If you imagine a fun party or birthday celebration when you visualize colorful balloons, there is no problem. However, if you think that those balloons can burst at any moment and you get nervous right away, you may suffer from globophobia. Globophobia, the fear of balloons, can make life difficult for people with this phobia. Because globophobic people cannot be in the same environment with them because of their fear that the balloons will burst, and if they are, they have difficulty in coping with the feeling of fear.

5. Hypnophobia: Fear of Sleeping
Sleep; Just like food, water, and air, it's one of the basic elements we need to survive. However, the idea of having a sound sleep in a comfortable bed is not equally enjoyable for everyone. Because people who suffer from hypnophobia are very afraid of falling asleep for various reasons. Among the basic elements underlying this fear are; There are concerns about not being able to escape from a danger and having nightmares during sleep. Because hypnophobic people think they are in a helpless position while they sleep, they begin to feel anxiety and panic as the time to fall asleep approaches. Even when they fall asleep, they cannot have a sound and comfortable sleep. Therefore, hypnophobia is a type of phobia that must be treated. Otherwise, it can seriously affect people's sleep patterns and, accordingly, their health.

6. Ergophobia: Fear of Work
Each of us may experience bad experiences and disappointments in business, and some days we may feel a strong urge to not go to work. However, ergophobia goes far beyond such situations. People who have a fear of work, that is, ergophobia, have an extreme fear of workplaces and work. This fear can spread to anything related to work. Job descriptions, official duties, meetings, offices… All these elements can turn into an element of fear. Moreover, ergophobic people often realize that this fear is on an irrational basis. However, these strong emotions they feel make it difficult for them to overcome the phobia.

7. Agyrophobia: Fear of Crossing
Agirophobia, also called dromophobia, refers to the strong fear of the act of crossing the road. Agyrophobic people have a hard time crossing streets with heavy traffic, especially. This phobia, which is thought to have its origins in childhood, can also be caused by the trauma of an accident or loss. Agyrophobia is often confused with the fear of cars, but there is a fundamental difference: People who suffer from agyrophobia feel anxious and anxious when crossing the street, even if there are no vehicles on the street.

8. Koumpounophobia: Fear of Buttons
Koumpounphobia, one of the most interesting phobias, describes a strong fear or disgust for clothes buttons. We do not have clear information about the source of this phobia, which is known to be common especially in America. It is usually possible to overcome this phobia through behavioral or cognitive-behavioral therapies. According to a rumor, Apple founder Steve Jobs is also a koumpounophobic. There are even rumors that this phobia has an effect on the designs of Apple devices. However, these are just rumors.

9. Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Palate
Among the strangest-sounding phobias on this list, arachibutyrophobia may be the first. Because this type of phobia expresses serious anxiety and fear about peanut butter sticking to the palate. Although it is not widely seen in our country, there are many examples in America. Peanut butter, which has a bigger place in American food culture compared to us, can turn into a nightmare for some people. Arachybutyrophobic people are very afraid of having peanut butter in the food or drink they consume and inadvertently eating it.

10. Pediophobia: Fear of Dolls
While dolls are likeable and lovable objects for many of us, not everyone agrees. Because pediophobic people have a serious fear of all kinds of dolls. If the phobia is advanced, there may even be panic attacks and similar crises. The source of this type of phobia, which is based on past traumas, is thought to be the projection of a kind of human figure by dolls. Especially realistically designed dolls can trigger pediophobia at a more serious level. Of course, horror movies in which dolls come to life and try to kill people are among the triggers.

11. Filemaphobia: Fear of Kisses
Although it may seem simple at first, phylemaphobia, which is defined as the fear of kissing or being kissed, is among the phobia types that seriously affect the quality of life. Philemaphobic people have a very serious fear of kissing or being kissed by someone. Underneath this fear, there may be physical concerns such as bad breath, and sometimes psychological foundations such as the negative coding of kissing in childhood.

12. Eisoptrophobia: Fear of Mirrors
Looking in the mirror when getting up in the morning, going to bed at night, leaving the house or getting ready is a very simple and ordinary action for most of us. For eisoptrophobic people, the situation is completely different. People suffering from eisoptrophobia are afraid of seeing their own or another person's reflection in the mirror. Especially if they see their own reflection, they can experience a serious feeling of panic, embarrassment or depression. Moreover, removing all the mirrors in their homes may seem like a solution, but they can often come across mirrors on the street or in other environments. For this reason, they generally hesitate to socialize and keep the places they visit very limited.

13. Trypophobia: Fear of Holes
Trypophobia, which means the fear of holes, may seem very unusual to you at first, but the number of people suffering from this phobia is not insignificant. Trypophobic people have feelings of fear or aversion to holes that are adjacent to or close to each other on certain surfaces. For example, even a strawberry or a sponge with holes can become the subject of this fear because of the black seeds on it. In fact, Apple's sale of the iPhone 11 model had become an extremely triggering event for trypophobics. Because this model had three different lenses, which meant that there were three holes on the back of the phone close to each other. People with trypophobia conveyed their negative feedback to the brand with their posts on social media.

14. Geletophobia: Fear of being teased
Of course, no one likes to be teased, and from time to time they may experience anxiety that they will be humiliated in an environment. However, if this situation has turned into a chronic cause of anxiety, it is time to talk about geletophobia. Geletophobia refers to the intense anxiety and fear that people feel at the possibility of being laughed at or mocked by them. Geletophobic people can experience paranoia due to this fear, and they can take every laugh or every word they say on themselves. As a matter of fact, it is getting harder to establish a healthy communication or socialize day by day.

15. Phobophobia: Fear of Phobia
Phobia, strong anxiety and fear of something; Phobophobia refers to the fear of phobias. In other words, phobophobic people are afraid of having more phobias and being afraid of more things.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Phobophobic people try to avoid learning about phobias or getting information about other people's phobias as much as possible. As the level of phobophobia increases, they also avoid getting any new information, as they cannot afford to frighten them. Phobophobia is not usually a person's first phobia. This type of phobia is more common in people who already have more than one phobia.

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