Scientists have found the formula to extend life by 8 years

A formula has been found to extend the lifespan, which is stated to be equivalent to 7-8 years in humans by scientists.

According to the news in Haberglobal; Studies have shown that taurine, a nutrient found in animal foods, extends the lifespan of mice by 10 to 12 percent.

It has been reported that the number of diseases that people get as they get older increases. While there are many causes of these diseases, it was emphasized that one of the reasons is the decrease in beneficial substances in the body as age progresses. One of these substances is an amino acid; It has been reported that taurine is found in foods such as meat, fish and in the human body.

It has been stated that this nutrient, which is obtained only from animal foods, begins to decrease gradually in the body from birth. So much so that the amount of taurine in the body of a 60-year-old person is only one-third of a newborn baby. In studies, the presence of this substance in the body ensures that the immune system works better. In addition, taurine deficiency in an individual can cause various diseases such as osteoporosis (bone loss) and even blindness.

Equivalent to 7-8 years
A recent study revealed a different benefit of taurine. An animal study at New York University in the USA drew attention with the demonstration that taurine extended the lifespan of these animals. The researchers used 14-month-old mice in this experiment. The age of these mice is equivalent to 45 years of age for humans. Some of the mice were given a daily taurine-containing pill.

Males and females of these rodents supplemented with taurine lived 10 percent longer, while females lived 12 percent longer. This period has been stated by scientists to be equivalent to 7-8 years in humans.

The benefit was not, however, limited to longer life. These mice also had stronger bones and muscles, lower levels of depression, and less insulin resistance associated with diabetes.

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