Common mistakes in hair care

Healthy hair is of great importance for both men and women. That's why we try to implement almost all the advice we hear from our environment or from the internet. We get what anyone recommends, we try masks, but this can often cause your hair to fall out, break or dry out more when you want to take care of it. Here are the most common mistakes made during maintenance…

Washing hair with hot water
Washing the hair with hot water to make the hair cleaner causes serious damage to the hair. On the contrary, washing the hair with hot water causes the hair to become dry, frayed and even dry the scalp. If we do not want a lint-like appearance, the hair should be washed with warm water.

pulling hair tight
Generally, people have the thought that keeping hair very tight and always bulky will cause less hair loss. However, on the contrary, collecting hair causes excessive physical exertion on the hair, causing more hair loss.

cut hair short
Another common misconception about hair care is that when the hair is cut short, the shedding will stop. The main reason for hair loss is the problem with vitamins in the body or problems with hair follicles. Therefore, it is out of question to cut hair frequently or to prevent hair loss by cutting it short.

washing hair every day
Washing the hair every day can often damage the hair. It is a condition that causes dryness of the scalp. However, not washing the hair for a long time is also not a healthy condition. Because the dust and dirt that gets on the hair can cause the hair to look more unhealthy and break off. In general, it is recommended to wash every other day for those with oily hair, and for dry hair types to wash once or twice a week.

Frequent combing of hair
Brushing the hair too often can lead to hair loss and wear. So don't comb your hair all the time. Scan only when you need it. You should also pay attention to your comb selection. Make sure the combs are not sharp, metal or plastic. Choosing the right and high quality comb prevents hair loss.

Pay attention to the choice of shampoo
One of the most common mistakes is the common use of shampoos among the family. When choosing a shampoo, you should be careful that it is a shampoo specific to your hair type. A family member with oily hair and a family member with dry hair should not use the same shampoo. The fact that everyone uses the same shampoo creates a condition that wears out hair for those with different hair types.

In addition, another misconception about the use of shampoo is that more foaming shampoo is better. In fact, on the contrary, the more the shampoo foams, the more chemicals it contains. For this reason, herbal shampoos with less chemical content should be preferred, not more foaming shampoos.

Use of conditioner
In order to see the benefits of hair creams, it is necessary to apply only to the ends of the hair, not to the bottom of the hair. The cream applied to the scalp causes shedding, so it is mostly thought to cause hair loss. In fact, the right conditioner provides nourishment to the hair.

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