Interesting research from NASA: Plants that clean the air of the house…

Scientists from NASA have uncovered how toxins in homes can be with plants. Researchers have used plants to help clean the air in homes.

If you're buying plants just for their looks and decorative stance, NASA's research may offer a new perspective. Scientists from NASA state that plants can clean the house of toxins.

In fact, the research began so that astronauts could breathe cleaner air and continued with experiments on the pollution-absorbing power of indoor greenery.

Experts; They discovered that there were herbs that could counteract the effects of a range of chemicals produced by common household detergents, furniture polish, air fresheners, and scented candles.

Researchers have created a system that classifies herbs according to their ability to help remove toxins from the home.

D., assistant director and head of science at the Oxford University Botanic Garden and Arboretum, who worked on the research. Chris Thorogood said: “Plants are natural smart filters for indoor pollutants. They do what is called phytoremediation, meaning they can remove pollution and volatile organic compounds from the air. Nature has been tried and tested by evolution for hundreds of millions of years, so what better solution for a natural air purifier?”

Guy Swimer, creative director at McCann Health London, said: "It was an elaborate process working with leading botanists from around the world to review NASA's research and identify the pollution-fighting properties of each plant."

The researchers pointed out that now people can buy plants not only for their looks, but also for the benefits they provide.

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