It appears on the skin overnight: It is vital to distinguish! It can be transmitted from sea water and soil.

The increase in the number of people experiencing brown spots on their hands or feet has begun to worry experts. Experts have warned about these stains caused by colorful fungi and carotenoids that are frequently found in salt water, sand and soil. Here are the details...

The brown and orange spots seen on your hands and feet when you wake up in the morning are called 'devil henna' among the public. Although it is also known as 'angel henna' in some regions, these stains are generally attributed to the devil.

Some attribute this to the devils taking him to the wedding and applying henna while he is sleeping, while others attribute this to the soul leaving the body. The medical world has an explanation against these superstitions: It is a fungal infection called 'Tinea Nigra' and usually seen in the hands and feet. This disease is called phayohypomycosis.

According to the news in Cumhuriyet, people who experienced this incident saw a brown stain on their limbs, especially their hands (palms, between fingers, etc.), which did not show any problems at night when they woke up in the morning.

The other reason is the excess of carotenoids. Carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in the body, protect the body against many diseases by strengthening the immune system. Excessive amounts of carotenoids found in orange, yellow and green leafy fruits and vegetables in the body can cause carotenemia, which is actually a harmless condition, causing the skin to have yellow and orange color tones. This condition, which is very common especially in babies, can be confused with jaundice.

Tinea nigra is caused by a fungus called Hortaea werneckii. The word 'tinea' is a name given to skin infections normally caused by dermatophytes; However, due to its widespread use, it continued to be used in fungal infections. 'Nigra' means 'black'. So 'tinea nigra' can be translated into Turkish as 'black fungal infection'.

Types of infections with similar symptoms include (some of these terms may also be used as synonyms for others):
* Tinea Nigra

* Keratomycosis nigricans

* Microsporosis nigra

* Pityriasis nigra

* Tinea palmaris nigra

* Piedra Nigra

* Black piedra

* Piedraia hortai

Dermatologist Dr. states that Tinea Nigra is a type of fungus mostly found in tropical regions. Nazan Taşlıdere said , "Direct contact with soil is not required for infection. It can be transmitted even from a damp piece of wood or contact with the surface it is on." Fungal infection manifests itself with discoloration on the hands and feet 2 to 7 weeks after infection. That's why most people notice these stains when washing their hands in the morning.

To diagnose Tinea Nigra, a sample is taken from the patient's skin by scraping and examined under a microscope. Dr. Nazan Taşlıdere said, "We can diagnose fungal infection when some signs are seen. Culture test can also be done and the diagnosis is confirmed when a black mold grows within 1 week . " This fungal infection can be treated with antifungal creams within 2-3 weeks. Sometimes, when the structure of the mushroom is thick, scraping may be required.

Dr. states that this fungal disease is more common in those with weak immune systems. Nazan Taşlıdere gave the following advice to protect against Tinea Nigra:

"It is necessary to be careful about contact, especially in tropical climates. It is beneficial to avoid direct and long-term contact with moist surfaces and soil. This fungus loves salty water, so the risk of contamination is higher on beaches in tropical regions."

Dermatologist Dr. Semra Akıntürk drew attention to the importance of distinguishing Tinea Nigra from other dermatological diseases: "Tinea Nigra is a harmless infection, but it should not be confused with skin cancer, moles, systemic diseases and other infectious diseases. When these spots are noticed, a dermatologist should be consulted."

The pigments found in plants that create colors between light yellow and red are called carotenoids. Carotenoids are plant pigments responsible for the bright red, yellow and orange hues in many fruits and vegetables. These pigments play an important role for the plant. In addition, carotenoids also act as antioxidants in the human body. According to research, there are more than 600 types of carotenoids. The most researched ones are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene.

Photosynthesis, which provides the nutrient cycle, is an important cycle for plants. Carotene, a compound found in the structure of plants, is responsible for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process in which plants take in carbon dioxide from outside, give back oxygen, and create food for themselves, thanks to the chlorophyll in their structure. Carotene compound in the body;

* Accelerates weight loss by giving a feeling of fullness

* Protects the body against many diseases by strengthening the immune system

* Contributes to the process of preventing cancer formation

* It is good for colds and has a detox effect.

* It has anti-fatty liver effects

* Plays a role in reducing the risk of cataract formation

* Good for night blindness

* It is good for the nervous system and strengthens memory.

Daily use of 6-12 milligrams of beta carotene, which is stored in the liver to be converted into vitamin A, will be sufficient. Excessive beta carotene in the body causes pigment disorder, causing the skin to appear yellow or orange.

Carotene; It is found in orange, yellow and green leafy fruits and vegetables. Carotene, which is abundant in carrots and pumpkins, is found in vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, kale, brussels sprouts, parsley, beans, bell peppers, beets, broccoli, as well as corn, papaya, watermelon, melon, apples, oranges, apricots. It is also found in figs, kiwis, peaches, mangoes and pineapples. The amount of beta-carotene in fruits and vegetables with many colors is high.

Hypercarotenemia or carotenemia means excess carotene. Excessive consumption of foods rich in carotene causes the level of carotene in the blood to increase. Carotenemia is observed in babies who consume foods containing excessive amounts of carrot puree. Due to carotenemia, the skin turns orange or yellow after a while. This color change on the skin does not cause any harm.

Carotenemia, which does not have any dangerous consequences, only causes the skin to turn yellow or orange. This condition can often appear as a symptom of another disease.


The only symptom is that the skin is a yellow to orange hue. However, the skin color does not turn red at all. This yellowish discoloration of the skin is also known as xanthoderma. It is noteworthy that the color is prominent on the palms and soles of the feet.

Carotene accumulation occurs in various tissues in the body. It becomes more visible on the skin when the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, thickens. High levels of carotene are more likely to cause skin symptoms when excessive amounts accumulate in the fats under the skin. The yellow discoloration is more noticeable on the hands and is particularly lighter than the rest of the skin. The 'whites' of the eyes (sclerane) and the inside of the mouth are not colorless in carotenemia, but may be mistaken for jaundice at this point.

Unlike jaundice, carotenemia is quite harmless and only a change of diet changes the yellow color of the skin again.

There is no need for treatment for carotenemia. It is a harmless condition that resolves on its own without the need for any medication. A dietary change to low intake of carotene-rich foods should be initiated. However, these foods containing carotene should not be completely avoided in the long term. These dietary measures are sufficient for primary carotenemia.

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